The Benefits of Updating Your CPR Skills
Posted by Mackenzie Thompson
If you have never taken a medical course or a CPR class, you might need to reconsider your decision. Why? Because, millions of people die prematurely each year from choking, heart attack and other treatable occurrences. The question to ask is yourself is simple. If someone in the building had known CPR or first aid, would that person still be alive today? What would be the chances of survival, and could you have made a difference? The only way to know for sure begins with you taking or updating your CPR skills.

Brush Up on Your Lifesaving Skills
Life has many unexpected twists and turns; however, the best defense against the unexpected is preparation. Accidents occur without warning, and oftentimes they present a threat to human life. If you came upon an accident and someone had trouble breathing, would you know what to do? What if your family is sitting down to a nice family dinner and one of your children began choking, do you know the Heimlich maneuver? Can you perform CPR and save your child’s life or at least give them a fighting chance?
As parents, these are only some of the questions we need to ask ourselves. If you have taken CPR and needs a refresher course, now is the time to get started. The more you know, the better prepared you are when you are faced with a real-life emergency.
Practice Makes Perfect
Conforming to a traditional classroom setting proves to be challenging for some people and intimidating to others. However, at the prospect of saving a life, would you rather look silly learning how to save a life, than living with the regret of not ever learning at all. If you have skills that need to be updated, please take a minute to complete the necessary steps you need to enroll in a certified CPR class. The life you save might not be your own, but it could be someone you love. With so many online sites, you can practice the procedure at home with a friend and take an online practice test.
Most practice tests are free, and you can learn at your own pace. The more you practice your life-saving techniques the more confident you can express yourself in case of an actual emergency. However, once you sign up for classes, you can always take refresher courses when you need them.
Updated CPR Skills on the Rise
The American Heart Association issues up-to-date information to medical industries on a continual basis. National changes affect everyone; doctors, nurses, medical students, and ordinary people. Did you know that each minute a heart attack victim goes without medical intervention their chances of survival is decreased by 10 percent? One such change took place in 2015 when thousands of high school students learned to administer first aid, CPR under a state mandate.
Now 38 states are included Washington, DC have adopted curriculum and passed laws that support hands-on CPR training for high school students. Under this new law, more than two million students in public schools are learning the value of saving lives through CPR training. If you live in one of these states, your child may already know how to perform CPR. In any case, saving a life should not stop with your child, nor should it end with you. Be a light in your community and in your family. Update your CPR skills today and give hope to someone in distress. Would you want someone to do the same for you?
Three Reasons to Update Your CPR Skills
Save a Life
Being CPR certified means you are qualified and certified to administer CPR, first aid in the event of a life-threatening emergency. Thousands of people die yearly due to the lack of medical intervention. According to the CPR Heart Website, more than 10,000 people experience cardiac arrest on the job in the United States alone.
You don’t have to be a medical professional in order to save a life, lay persons should be empowered with the life saving knowledge of CPR, AED and first aid in case of an emergency when with a friend, family member, co-worker or stranger.
Give Someone a Second Chance at Life
When people go into cardiac arrest, it only takes six minutes for the brain to die without oxygen. Although, calling 911 is the correct response, knowing how to perform CPR before help arrives, give the affected individual a chance to live without brain damage. Your investment in updating your CPR skills will pay off in the days ahead as you become empowered to save a life in an emergency situation.
Acquire New Knowledge
Effective learning leads to a stronger consistently in administering CPR and first aid. Ineffective learning is preventable because of the many opportunities available to enhance and update outdated skills.
Education is always the best and first line defense when problems need to be resolved. The American heart association is thriving to close the gap between response time due to delays such as performance in an actual resuscitation setting. This includes delays between healthcare providers and healthcare professionals.
More than likely, a person’s greatest chance of survival will depend on someone like you, a bystander who is certified and confident in administering CPR. If you have not updated your medical training in CPR, AED and first aid, please do so today. The life you save may not be your own, but it could be someone you love and cherish.
In partnership with the Disque Foundation, Save a Life Initiative our mission is to empower others to save lives, that’s why we offer CPR education for free. We do this by providing advanced healthcare education to underserved populations of the U.S. and the world. Through our Save a Life Initiative we offer the world’s first free life support training courses online. Saving lives means giving others the chance to make a difference in the world. Our goal is to empower a million people with the ability to save a life.
The CPR, AED and First Aid handbook is available for Free Download on Obooko
Download our free CPR, AED and First Aid handbook on the Obooko free ebook library today. Included in the download is an exclusive coupon code for you to redeem a free CPR certification course. Don’t delay, renew your CPR certification now online at and stay abreast of the latest and most update changes in first aid, and CPR.
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