This amazing new method may end All chronic illness in a person quickly and easily by passing very low levels of electrical energy through a person, cleaning out the body and cells of the causes of chronic illness.
The electrical energy then stimulates the immune system restoring the body back to health, strength, energy and wellbeing.
It’s simple to use, safe with no side effects and its unlikely you will feel anything when using or after, but it’s very effective.
This free eBook explains the method, case studies and more info.
You will need 1 or 2 wireless phone chargers and usb sockets to plug them into and that’s it.
There’s no links or product to buy.
I have released a video on YouTube showing how to use the system.
I’m Richard, I’ve spent 30+ years getting to this point and if you are chronically ill, I recommend using this method.
Love and Best Wishes x
Please note: this is not a recognised medical treatment and you use it at your own risk. Nothing in this eBook is meant to be a replacement for proper medical diagnosis and care by your Doctor, Physician or Health Care Professional. Thank you.
The Clark Method uses phone or cell charging pads to pass low voltage DC electrical energy into a person, which has a cleansing effect on the cells eliminating pain and long term chronic conditions allowing the human body to recover.
This makes it different from a TENS machine which uses low voltage, AC electrical energy, producing different results, a difference that makes all the difference.
The Clark Method uses phone or cell charging pads (Pads) on the lower and upper back for 4 to 5 sessions for between 1 to 2hours each session.
The Pads can also be used locally for pain relief and other conditions for 4 to 5 sessions between 1 to 2hours each session.
The Pads pass very low levels of DC electrical energy into a person when in standby mode, that is when not charging a phone, and the EMF when used this way is nil so this method is very safe.
The frequency is nil and without a phone on the Pad the transmitter coil that changes DC to AC isn’t activated so the output remains DC.
Using electrical energy to restore health has been in development by me since 2005 using batteries and changing to charging Pads made the method much more effective producing outstanding results that give much relief from pain and suffering on all chronic, long term conditions it’s been tried on.
Electrical energy is drawn into and regulated by the human body from the phone chargers switching off when enough electrical energy has been drawn until the next session.
Nothing or very little will be felt during the sessions and you will feel nothing afterwards, but please keep going and do the necessary sessions.
It’s worth giving it a try, the cost will be low and I’m sure you’ll receive a lot of benefit.
Also please post results in the comments as to how effective it is and to encourage others and they are enjoyable to read.
Case studies and some words from some of the people who have used the Pads are included further on.
The first thing the very mild flow of electricity from the Pads does is clean out all the cells of the body of harmful, toxic energy in the first few sessions and as most pain comes from that harmful. Toxic energy the pain is cleared out as well.
Once cleaned out the cells of the body, especially the bone and bone marrow cells can start to function.
Electrical energy from the Pads then stimulates the bone cells to vibrate as they should and the bone marrow cells to produce a healing energy.
The immune system within days of first use of the Pads will quickly adapt and use the newly received healing energy released from cells to start the change and transformation of the human body condition back to health, strength, energy and wellbeing, spreading throughout the human body eliminating dead zones amongst other things.
As we get older dead zones start to appear, usually in the legs and the feet.
Dead zones are areas that the healing energy of the body no longer penetrates or covers, leading to the blocking of the immune system so the joints of the ankles, knees and hips wear causing the pain known as osteoarthritis.
The feet and toenails can become infected with fungal infections - with dry, hard skin cracking at the heels as they are no longer protected by the immune system.
This process can use up the newly received healing energy which is why extra sessions will probably be needed with chronic, long term conditions.
As so many factors are in play here such as age, body condition, male or female, size, mass and electrical energy level when starting a person will need to use their own judgement as to doing more sessions, but losing strength and energy and catching infections is a good sign more sessions are required for the maintenance of health.