'A dark and sexy, dystopian tech nightmare.'
Swallow. Download. Plug in. Become whomever or whatever you desire. This is the seductive promise of eN, a small electronic chip offering freedom from the misery and misfortune that a common mind endows—granting anyone the life they feel they truly deserve. But, like all promises, reality is often upsetting.
eN follows the downward spiral of an eighty-something-year-old artist, one cradling a severed leg and a terrible secret, as he is thrown headfirst into a technology that promises the liberation of the mind, yet merely plagues it with incessant advertising and a debilitating, visceral sickness—one eased only by the purchase of its principal sponsored product: plain yogurt.
Unable to remove the chip and ravaged by insanity and disease, The Old Fool will find salvation and redemption in the scheming plans of a young boy and his teenage sister who themselves will use him, whether he is willing or not, in their plan to destroy eN for good, to free mankind from the stark and prosaic mediocrity into which it is plugged.
“As long as you allow mediocrity to be the height of your enthusiasm, as long as you allow it to be the very peak of your potential, to be the voice of your culture, then, yes, the machine will replace you.”