What would it take to make you commit bio-terrorism on a global scale?
When Josh and Tom's wives discover there are people 'out there' planning to ensure the 2012 Doomsday prophecies are fulfilled, they decide to take matters into their own hands and on their terms. But how do go about exterminating the human race with a pre-emptive strike of your own?
This story of global bio-terrorism perpetuated by a pair of 'ordinary' married couples will have you turning the pages furiously!
01 January 2011
“So what New Year resolutions have you made this year Tom?”
Josh handed his work colleague and best friend the question at the same time as the beer. Their “traditional” New Year’s day BBQ was now settling into the “post-lunch-wile-away-the-afternoon” phase as Josh settled back in his own deck chair.
Tom twisted off the cap, and raised the lip of the bottle in salute, en-route to his mouth. “Cheers Josh.” He took an appreciative gulp. “No resolutions anymore for me – they’re usually just a meaningless fad so I don’t bother. I am however determined I will not be a victim this year.”
“A victim?” Josh queried.
“Sure – no more being the scapegoat at work for other people’s ineptitude. Responsibility will be properly re-directed as required!” Tom replied.
“Ah-ha,” laughed Josh. “I can see Lorraine and Mike cringing in fear now!”
“What about victim of the universe?” he added.
“It’s only 2011, not 2012 yet.” retorted Tom.
Josh laughed again, but then he turned a bit more serious. “What is your take on that?” he asked.
“Well yes, but . . .” Josh paused. “Look at this way – if a large percentage of the population believe something is going to happen, don’t you think it may become reality as a result?”
“What, like some kind of mass hysteria, or self fulfilling prophecy?”
“Yeah – well remember Y2K and other instances, maybe some cult of weirdo’s will believe in doomsday enough to decide they should make doubly sure of it and do something to make sure it happens.” Josh postulated.
Tom took another pull at his beer.
“Well, let’s consider the possibilities here – what could happen to qualify as an extinction event? Giant asteroid impacts earth, huge dust-cloud blocks the sun causes global ice-age – not much chance someone could cause that.” he theorised.
“Giant volcano eruption with the molten lava and again with the dust cloud” Josh added.
“May be possible to trigger a volcano with a bomb of some sort you reckon?” Tom smiled.
“Maybe.” Josh retorted. “Ditto for seismic/tidal wave – drop a nuke down the San Andreas fault or at several strategic points around the Pacific Ring of Fire”.”
“Or, engineer a mass deployment of some exotic killer/zombie plague eh? Don’t forget the zombies, man!” Tom chuckled as he aped the slow robotic zombie arms. “Damn” he muttered as he slopped some of his beer on his pants in the process.
“That’ll learn you” chuckled Josh. “So, if someone did something like that, how likely is that to become a self fulfilling prophecy d’ya reckon?”
“Hmmm” Tom became thoughtful, “Assuming you could trigger a seismic event that created a big enough tidal wave around the Ring of Fire, that might make our life here in NZ, around the Pacific and along the west coast of USA & South America a bit awkward but Europe & Africa would probably survive.”
“What about any subsequent effects due to less land/more seawater on the surface of the planet, which might tilt the earth’s axis or trigger a global thermal change?” Josh wondered.
“Hmmm, possible . . .” mused Tom slowly.