Our world in its essence is a transfiguration of souls and all of us appreciating it. We can see the immense impact of the soul acts on our daily life, and our existence is simply an incessant attempt to find our souls.
Seeking the souls is an innate desire, and as we can’t live without food, we can’t live without that desire. One of the souls’ pages in our life is writing which, by its admirable styles, enlivens the lands of hope and illuminates the areas of darkness. Beautiful writing can change our awareness about ourselves and the world, in addition to its innovative features which make us fly with cheerfulness and jaunt with delight.
These conscious and subconscious effects of writing occur as a result of the strong relationship between the language and our souls, of the powerful effect of writing on our minds’ embodying and the final appearance of our existence. Language is the central tool in the organization of thought, and any conception about anything should occur through the meanings and through the language. If we want to change any situation, we can do that by the universal changes in our words about it, and sometimes this is the only way to create the change.
From this view, the writing is a transfiguration and our souls uses the writing to transfigure. The ideas, as any creature, always try to transfigure in full and powerful existence. So, one idea may wear many dresses to show itself and the writer should listen to its voice and give attention to her wishes.
To accomplish all these targets, the writing should have an efficient existence with the occurrence which gives full and powerful transfiguration of ideas. This efficient transfiguring property of writing can appear with multi-expressive structures, where the sentences bring the same deep idea and central message but they appear in different images and statements. This system we call "The Mosaic". In the mosaic transfiguring system, the sentences appear as mirrors. The mirrored system of the textual sentences forms an intellectual existence imitates mosaic where the sentences behave as small pieces with harmonious presence.
Although every word and every text has mutuality circles but there are specific words in the writing of every author has a big transfiguration from the interchange view. He uses them widely and deeply with vast symbolic actions. In these deep interchange areas, the writer is not the author mind but it is the author souls. We should emphasize that the soul have a wider experience more than the mind, and the mind and its knowledge is a part of the souls.
The most important feature in the mutual meanings are out of time and place, so they can take any shape smoothly and this is reflect the timeless nature of soul in comparison with timed mind.