Follow the paths that the heroes need to travel to save the world...and each other.
Part One: The epic war between good and evil has arrived. An elite army of soldiers are sent to our world to fight the growing evil forces and to protect the human race. While they are on Earth they meet a young man named Joseph who swears to protect his new best friend, Sonya at any cost. During a confrontation he loses his honor, and he decides to fight alongside these soldiers to try and win it back. Joseph realizes his greatest strength is his greatest weakness... anger. The thin line that separates him from insanity and peace is about to be crossed.
Part Two: It has been three months since the great war and the world is rebuilding itself again. The army of heroes continue to protect the world from evil while becoming stronger themselves. Several battles with old enemies threaten the lives of those that fight in them. The heroes learn that the desire to protect sometimes comes with sacrifices.
Today is the day the world ended, and no one knows it yet. The day started like any other day, nothing out of the ordinary. It was June, Tuesday, 5:30am if such details are important. Workers on third shift are getting ready to go home and first shift is getting ready to start. The sun is just starting to rise in the sky and the cool morning air makes a few early risers feel like a walk. A young man walks past a lumber factory as he looks inside the large open loading dock doors where the trucks would make their deliveries if they were there. He watches as forklifts drive past with stacks of long wood planks and workers are looking at their watches. These are the third shifters waiting for the last few minutes to tick away. The man walks on and crosses the empty side street into a park. He sits down on a bench and looks at the orange reddish horizon above the trees. The man suspects nothing strange about today, it’s a beautiful morning. Little does he know he is being watched. Something behind him moves closer, it stalks him making no sound. The man continues to watch the sky and smiles as the new day is unfolding in front of him. The creature is close nearly upon him, and still the man is oblivious to the danger he is in. The creature finally reveals its presence with a low growl. The man turns slowly behind him and suddenly jumps up and moves back. He is starring at a large black dog growling and salivating. It bears its large fangs as it lowers its body ready to pounce. There is no escape the man is doomed. The dog lunges at him and blackness falls over his eyes.
A police car makes a left turn coming down the road the man crossed earlier. He drives past the park and notices a red blotch on the grass. He pulls over and gets out to inspect it. The blotch is no wider then a soccer ball. He squats down and rubs the tips of his fingers on the long blades of grass. He rubs his thumb over his fingers and looks around. No sign of the beast or the man, no trail. The police stands up and cleans his fingers on his pants then walks back to his car. It is time for him to go home as well. He tells himself it must have been a rabbit or something. The police will do nothing, it will be forgotten. 6:00 rolls around and the city starts to become busy unaware of the man's fate or the evil that is waking up. The war has started, but it will be nearly a year into the war that the world will feel the effects. Until then there are others that knew of this day and trained for it in advance. It will be them that will fight and die without society ever knowing of their existence. These people are an elite force of warriors not only trained in weaponry but also in magic abilities and senses not available to everyday people. To this day there are people born into this world with special abilities or powers, these people are reinforcements allowed to live in normal society hopefully undetected by evil. But these warriors have been training for this very fight since the day of their birth. Some may refer to them as angels in other cultures they are known by different names, but their purpose remains the same, to protect the world and the life on it. Both evil and hope surrounds us, walking invisibly among us. Some may sense it others will ignore it. Where will you be, what will you be doing, when the world ends.