The No.2 bestseller (among bears.) Check out number 1
In the second of this book series for teens, Chris the Crow is back! And so too are all the bears. But this time things are much more dramatic. An explosive event disrupts the bears' lives and means that it's necessary for them all to don black veils and attend a funeral in the garden.
But don't worry; there are some happier events just around the corner. One of which involves an aisle and an altar!
Alhough as this is the bears it isn't going to be happiness all round and one couple's marriage is on the rocks and another couple are very concerned about their son...
So with more affairs, a death, some old faces, a new arrival and a marriage, things are certainly getting hotter in Lucy's bedroom...
The familiar cute, toffee coloured face popped up over the edge of my shelf. He had been trying to scare me and I must admit on his first attempt I had flinched slightly but now, 13 times later, it was getting rather tedious. I could even predict exactly when he was going to do it. Little Toff could be such a pain!
Though it was nice (very original I know) to see him happy again. The last few months had been very difficult for the poor little bear.
Since the last time we spoke Little Toff has been a very tortured little bear; distraught with the belief that he would never see either of his parents again. If you remember Corny left the house (I’m making it sound like Big Brother aren’t I?) because she was frightened what the bears would think of after she smashed up Lucy’s bedroom in a fight with Jean. Unable to live without her, Milly went after her, electing not to throw himself off the roof again, thank goodness.
But then, yesterday morning, while Little Toff and Big Toff were sitting on the floor monotonously playing a game of snap (it wasn’t exactly riveting stuff I can tell you) something amazing happened. Two dark shapes appeared at the window. Two familiar shapes, I should say.
“The wanderers return.”
Instantly recognising Milly’s voice, Little Toff and Big Toff looked up to see Milly and Corny standing in the open window. They were smiling happily although their fur was all tousled and they were splattered with mud.
The two bears clambered up the bed and rushed towards their parents. They clambered up onto the windowsill and leapt into the arms of their delighted parents. Milly embraced Little Toff and Corny embraced Big Toff. They then rotated.
“Where have you been all this time?” Big Toff asked of his father.
“Looking for your mother.”
“For seven months! What happened? Was she wearing camouflage gear?”
“No she was not! Don’t be so sarky! I’ve found her haven’t I?”
“Where did you find her?”
“Er, hello,” interjected Corny. “I am here you know?”
“Sorry Mummy. Where did Daddy find you?”
“Oh just round the corner.”
Milly looked at Corny in horror. “What you mother meant to say was…”
“Just round the corner,” repeated Little Toff in amazement.
“It took you seven months to get round the corner?” demanded Big Toff.