This story is about a young boy and a girl, both possessing supernatural abilities. They secretly loved each other and fought desperately through the forces of darkness to keep it that way. Mara Seth was a special young girl traded away by her father in hopes of achieving a greater cause for the good of the world. Ishumura, a hero of Zampersia, the prodigy as was foretold by an old tale-teller. Fought against the evil forces to save her and to restore peace and balance back into the world.
Centuries ago, the world had been plunged into an era of devastation, devoured by non-nuclear global warfare ceasing the existence of man the world was utterly uninhabitable. Now it was only a matter of time, human beings searched for a seed of hope it had been nothing more than just existence without potential purpose, all creations alike, toiling the earth…pondering the distant future. As the years passed and new utopia was established a town called Cuamár better known as Cuabbo, where it was mentioned of a malevolent wizard known as the teller of tales once spoke of a story of a battle between 2 colonies vein 7 (the evil shadow) and the Tikas Butsu,…..waging wars, nations against nations establishing new purpose, to claim the ultimate power of uncontested dominance over mankind taking babies, men, women and children. Capturing them and giving them purpose, to join their colonies and destroy and destroy and conquer civilization. Peace no longer among the land, years past, the colonies died out, but the war is yet to be stopped. A victory is yet to be gained locked away in the deepest depths of Chinotzi the wizard withholds the greatest tale to be told, and a new purpose as now been given…
Pallestyne: (B.C) August 14, 2087
―Are we going over to the Ishumura's daddy? 'No, Mara I told you not to see that boy any more you understand? 'her father stood assertive of his words, however pleasant he may have appeared, Mara knew he was a highly appreciated and respected man throughout the city he was a powerful and wealthy man he had owned numerous companies but however focuses his allegiance into his largest well-orchestrated empire which had been his family's legacy before they had given birth to him. He was now forty-five years old, with a very short and rugged beard and a neatly trimmed mustache that was slightly twirled at the ends. His deep blue eyes that showed elegance and fearlessness, divine in his own glory, his hair was partially grey at the sides, well suited in his off-white tuxedo, and he was handsome. Mara didn't look anything like him but she had, however, his small straight nose, her divine beauty was more of her mother she was a bit more beautiful than her mother though. Her parents had been classmates ever since high school many years ago.
They now resided in the highest hills of Sheridanne (Pallestyne) in a large mansion overlooking the poverty-stricken cities of Zampersia.
―Why not daddy? She looked at him through somewhat afraid she was, ―now there's something new, you've finally managed to muster some courage as to question my authority which remained obsolete for so long that reminds me of someone, he looked down at her ―daddy Ishumura's is not like that she didn't dare to look at him this time. I know I was referring to myself' he smiled. ―Excuse me, Master Seth, would you like anything to eat? Or drink? Err, thank you, Rossi, I'll be heading out for a short while.' Mara felt a thrill of relief at the thought of having heard that, that had brightened her glum mood. "How about you little Seth, anything I can get you? ―No thank Mr. Rossi; I'm going upstairs to my room daddy ok, honey, see you when I get back, huh? Wait! Can I have a kiss before you go? ―Ahh, daddy, I'm already halfway up the stairs! She saw his face, filled with innocence and passion. That made her felt guilty, she came back down the steps and pardoned her father with a quick kiss on his cheek Mwah, love you daddy in only seconds she was up to the full length of stairs. ―My, someone is in a hurry! He looked at Rossi what have you done to her? Only that which I am allowed to sir he smiled. Well, I'm off, bye honey! I will be back before you know it he opened the door, momentarily his wife stepped out of the guest where are you off to this time of night dear? Come on, honey! It is only 6:30 pm I will be at the office for a while ok? Mwah' love you he kissed her hard but pleasant, a huge wave lustful sensation flooded her entire body, immediately he became hard and her knees were weakened, no longer the strength to bear her weight hurry back will you? Sure I will" he dashed outside, it was raining he was escorted under an umbrella by his chauffeur to the limo.
As he was being driven through the dimly lit cities overcast by the foggy weather, he glanced out at the many homes, brimmed by the overcasting shadows offered by the hills around him and he listened to the happy voices all around, he saw a few homeless persons quite less sympathetic that he was unable to conceive guilt of his successive lifestyle in comparison to those less fortunate wanderers. What have these people do with their lives...are there no opportunities? Chauffeur, less than thirty minutes okay?' Yes Mr. Seth.
Ishumura, come and have your dinner before it gets cold dear to come on honey, get out of the rain! You might catch a cold! Tivéra frowned. Ishumura was a hard-working young lad; he was only nine years old and was already upholding the responsibilities of an adult. He was a very beautiful child he resembled his wonderful, loving and cheerful mother who also worked hard, she was beautiful beyond any words could possibly express she was soft, highly physically attractive, she had beautiful long red hair perfect green sparkly eyes filled with childish innocence and compassion, tolerance and love. Some of these have been passed from her father. She had soft thin lips, very large breasts, and the perfect hips. She was indeed the kind of girl one only dreams about; she was only twenty-one years old.
―Tavára San Ishumura! You get your pampered butt in here this instant! she got up from the dinner table and ran to the door ―that boy is going to send me to an early grave someday she could barely find her way through the fog, she moved slowly glanced towards ―I bet he must be in that silly tree house of his, oh well...' humph.' She grabbed her raincoat and dashed towards the distant tree house. She heard faint sounds opposite her direction. Tabatha, Tabatha is that you? The shivering puppy ran towards her and leaped into her arms ―Ahh, there...I'm sorry little pup she cuddled the puppy as she directed her way towards the tree house. “Tavára, are you up there? The puppy held firm to her blouse as she climbed her way up the tree house. Indeed she was also a wonderful climber; she sometimes climbed mountains just for the early morning exercises primarily for the thrill of adventure. She had entered the lion's den, oh, hey Tivéra...I didn't hear you come up she looked at him annoyingly "I was calling all night....oh, hello Mara? I didn't see you, what brings you by in this kind of weather sweetheart?" Mara faced her ―oh hello Mrs. Ishumura, I just thought that well, I might pay you guys a visit oh that's nice Mara, but do your parents know of this untimely visit? Mara shrugged her shoulders and turned away well, not see, I had asked my dad but he insisted that I didn't go but he's away right now so ah, I snuck out.
―Oh, anyway Tavára dear your dinner is waiting...would you like me to get you anything Mara? Tivéra, Mara had already brought food over for both of us. Mara smiled at his mother ―Thanks anyway Mrs. Ishumura Mara gestured to her. ―How sweet, well, she glanced at Mara it is with deep concern that I may suggest you try to make it home before your dad ok? I would take you if you want. No, it’s ok, Mrs. Ishumura I will make it back. Ishumura motioned his mother ―Tivéra can we be alone now" "Mommy dear, it's mommy ok, I'll leave you two alone, here's Tabatha honey, she's a bit cold he took the shivering puppy ―sorry, pup. Here I'll warm you up 'roof, roof Mara touched her ―cute puppy Ishumura well, thanks Tivéra its mommy dear....mommy! she exited the tree house ―I'll goes prepare supper for you there was a brief silence amidst the room only the sound of the tree limbs knocking against the wooden tree house Ishumura was annoying, ―bye mom! ―Okay, okay I'm going already sheesh I really like your mom Ishumura, she's very special he looked at her through the corners of his eyes, and then he suddenly went blank. Yeah, she's the only person I grew to know, I never knew my father Tivéra said he died before I was even born. She came closer to him ―I'm sorry, Ishumura she gave him a sympathetic hug he pushed her away ―hey! What was that for?! ―I'm sorry, I'm just not used to that kind of thing what thing, a hug? Yeah, a hug she was amused, ―Hahaha, you're not human, are you? She laughed, of course, I am! Don't be silly! She got up and walked around examining the tree house ―I like your tree house Ishumura she turned around to admire the love of her life. He too had always found it useless to resist how beautiful she was almost as if he could he eat her. However, there are times where he had felt a bit intimidated by her divine majesty and social class. ―your mom is very hot Ishumura she went close to him he backed away ―Mara you are only seven years old, what do you know about hot? She grabbed his hand I know that she is very sexy ―Ahh, I did not just hear that‖ he held his ears. Oh, come on give it up! When I'm grown-up you won't be able to resist me Ishumura! He was almost blushing.