In the dream world of the Echo Realm, the Ascencion War has erupted, with Echo's forces fighting the Alliance. In the real world, Priya Echo continues her battle against the evil wizard Telenon. She will have to rescue a friend from Telenon's castle, return to the university as it is under siege by Telenon's forces, then face him in one climactic final battle. Priya must find a way to upgrade her magical powers. The only way she can win ... is to achieve Transcendence!
Current Time, Earth
A dazzling Indian woman in gold armor and a white lab coat rushed into the room. Above her, the ceiling had chandeliers of unimaginable crystalline form. Priya Echo knew in moments Telenon would send his minions after her. Human freaks with fangs and green snake skin, an army of them ready to strike. As the first handful scrambled in, she went straight towards them, fearlessly. Her hair stretched out behind her, raven-black. The minions set sights on their enemy, bore their fangs and rushed in to taste blood. Priya calmly strode forward. As they approached, she lifted her hand upwards and called upon the chandelier. The diamond-like crystal shards came raining down and speared the creature. He laid upon the floor, seeping a pool of blood. The other one had sharp claws and sprinted at high speed, but he was farther away than the first, and there was another chandelier above him that would, given her command, rain down glamorous spikes into his body, destroying him. The room seemed to be on an incline as she walked past their bodies. Now that the scouts had located her, the foot soldiers streamed in. Priya genuinely liked being surrounded but she was in a hurry today. The chandelier above detached and fell into her elegant hand. Infusing it with blue lightning, the mass of it sparkled with electricity. A throng of the inhuman freaks hurdled towards her, their red eyes lit up in savagery. Priya fired the blue lightning electrified crystals one at a time towards them, making an impact where she could. It was a good idea turning the chandelier into a gun. A minion vaporized into a million pieces in front of her. As they circled around her she decided to give it a good spin. The white lab coat fluttered like a cape as she did. As soon as the crystals were all used up, she tossed it aside and continued down the length of the room. Burnt limbs crackling with blue energy lined her path. A single minion had gotten a crystal deep into his heart, and he could not remove it before it bled out. The brave warrior in immaculate gold walked towards the door. Yet as she did, the glass of the window above shattered, and through it a winged minion swooped. He was like a muscular man. Skin normal but body coiled with snakes. He dual wielded axes of sharp obsidian. The woman looked to the mirror at the far wall and stretched out her arm. Likewise, it shattered and the shards flew to her side. They assembled piece by piece into the pure shape of the mirror sword. It was radiant, and shined with an insubstantial ethereal force. Priya took a moment to admire it, then lunged towards her counterpart. They struck blows back and forth, across the length of the room. The woman struck back against each obsidian ax. He was swift but she knew his limits. In moments Priya impaled him through the chest with the blade of the mirror sword. Blood coated each side as she slowly retrieved the implement. The feathers lost their flutter, the wings curled and the flier fell. Priya knew the reason for his fate. It was regrettable but … he had flown too close to the sun. Now the room was clear and the victor felt its silence. “This is starting to get easy” Priya Echo thought as she strode towards the door.