All of us want to be happy - the only issue is that we put a lot of conditions for happiness to enter our life. We resist it and we say - "I need this and that to be happy." Or we keep thinking about the past and the future.
You can be happy right now - no matter how much money you have and no matter whether you are single or in a relationship. Nothing else is required. All you need to do is lower your resistance.
100 Incredible Happiness Hacks has some fascinating tips to lower your resistance to happiness.
Why not take a peek?
Yes, this book is about happiness and how to find it.
You may not believe it but truly, happiness is here with you right now. There is nothing that needs to happen for you to be happy in this very instant.
However, many of us are not happy. The reason is that we offer ‘resistance’ to happiness that is waiting for us! We offer resistance because we are afraid (of what will happen to us if we let go) or because we think finding happiness is very tough and we MUST do task a), task b) and task c) to be happy. But all that's not required.
You don't need the best job, tons of money, the best relationship, the best items in the world or the best vacations to be happy. All those things are amazing and they ADD to the happiness that is already within you. You create your own happiness. Then, external things increase and amplify it.
The 100 incredible happiness hacks in this book are all about lowering your resistance to the happiness that is in front of you right here and now. I've come up with some interesting exercises and activities which will connect you with the joy that is already there within you. These will make you feel lighter, easier and happier – irrespective of your life situation right now.
Come, “loosen your seat belt”, stretch a bit, open your eyes wide and start off on this incredible happiness journey. :)
Happiness Hack #1: Notice Your Breath
You must have heard this one many times. Whenever you have to relax, they tell you - “Notice your breath”.
Come, let us do it together right now.
Sit in a relaxing posture or lie down on the bed. Now, just notice your breath. Don't breathe faster. Don't take a deep breath. You don't need to DO anything – just notice the way you are already breathing. Notice the air rubbing past your nostrils as it enters your nose. Notice it go inside and fill your lungs. Notice how your stomach automatically rises. Then notice this air coming out of your lungs, through your nose.
You might feel irritated as you do this initially. That's common. I mean it is irritating at first! But let the irritation be. It's OK. You might also be interrupted by many thoughts. That's OK too. Bring back your attention to your breath whenever you become aware that you are thinking of other things.
Keep noticing your breath for a few minutes – maybe even 5 minutes.
That's it. You're done! If you do it correctly, you will feel irritated and harrowed for the first 1 or 2 minutes and then peaceful, relaxed and calm for the next 3 minutes. :)
You will have found your moments of joy in your normal day.
Whenever you have the time, keep doing this again and again. Do nothing: just come back to this moment and notice your breath.
The reason this technique works is very simple: most of our unhappiness is caused by our negative thoughts about the past and future. We keep thinking – “He did that”. “She did this”. “He is so bad!” “I wonder what will happen in the meeting tomorrow!” And so we ourselves become sad thinking about the past and the future. Just noticing our breath immediately brings us back to the present moment.
This moment. Right here and now.
That's what we will learn more about as we proceed through this book. Peace is here and now. So is happiness and joy. So, when we focus our attention on this moment, slowly the negative thoughts disappear and we become happy. :)
If you haven't yet tried this simple technique out – please do it right now! Just 5 minutes...