This free book will provide you with valuable information and advice about the symptoms of Candida (candidiasis) and yeast infection along with effective remedies.
Subjects covered include:
- Symptoms of candida
- Cures
- Step by Step Candida Diet Plan
- Foods to avoid
- Foods to Eat
- Cleansing
- Anti Candida Recipes
- Natural Supplements for Candida
Causes of Candida
1. Poor Diet and Nutrition
Poor diet and nutrition actually feed the Candida fungus. If the body does not receive adequate levels of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that it needs to function optimally then it becomes vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, etc. Our present day diet is not nutritious in the least. It's packed with a bunch of junk food like candy, cookies, soda and chips.
Even the foods you think would be healthier such as breakfast bars and cereals are loaded with sugar and lacking in nutrients. Almost all processed food you can buy contains some sort of sugar.
Our standard diet is way too high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, which actually feed the Candida fungus for optimal growth.
Candida thrives on sugar and carbohydrates. A diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates is also deficient in vitamins and minerals and thus doesn't nourish a healthy body that can resist Candida overgrowth.
However, sugar is not the only culprit. Starchy foods, like bread, pasta, white rice, potatoes, chips, cookies, etc. converts to glucose (sugar) in the digestive system.
The more refined these foods are the quicker they are converted.
It is all this excess sugar that is responsible not only for Candida yeast overgrowth but many other health conditions like obesity, malnutrition and diabetes.
2. Medication
One of the major causes of Candida is the overuse of broad spectrum antibiotics. Antibiotics damage and kill the good flora (good bacteria) in the gut, as well as damaging the digestive enzymes, which lead to an overgrowth of the Candida fungus.
Even if you don't take antibiotics directly, you might get it indirectly, because farmed animals are routinely fed antibiotics, our meat supply is injected with hormones and antibiotics and the feed that our farm animals eat is laced with antibiotics, all under the false pretence that it makes our food safer, when in fact what it really does is contribute to this problem of making bacteria immune to antibiotics and damaging the good flora and digestive enzymes in our gut.
When you eat the meat of these animals, or eat their by-products such as milk, cheese and cottage cheese, etc., you absorb the antibiotic into your body.
The bottom line is: Prescription antibiotics causes gut health problems which lead to …
- An Impaired Immune System
- GUT health problems
- IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
- PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
- Candida (yeast overgrowth)
- Insulin Resistance
- Obesity (struggle to lose weight)
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Infertility
The Pill
The contraceptive pill can also cause an outbreak of Candida overgrowth. The stomach is a delicate organ, containing a precise mixture of microorganisms and yeasts that help process and digest food. They depend on the right balance of chemicals to support them, but this equilibrium can be thrown off by the hormonal imbalances caused by the Pill.
By disturbing this balance, the Pill opens the door for Candida to once again outgrow its competitors in the gut.
Estrogen, the major ingredient in the Pill, is known to promote the growth of yeast. If you need evidence of how this can happen, see how many women get regular yeast infections while on the Pill, it’s exactly the same principle.