Change Your Life In Ten Weeks [Second Edition 2014] is a step-by-step introduction and workbook to help you change your life for the better.
It introduces the Phoenix Self-Help Life Plan which requires you to carry out a current lifestyle evaluation. Your result then guides you in the drawing up of a set of personally chosen self-improvement goals aimed at transforming your lifestyle in the way YOU want.
Once your goals are chosen and broken down into weekly targets, you work on implementing your Plan for a timeframe you choose, usually up to eight weeks.
The ebook is linked to a dedicated web site which provides the reader with additional self-development resources and support.
Extensive documentation is included throughout the ebook to make easy the tasks of recording goals and targets and to monitor your weekly progress.
The Phoenix Plan is entirely free to follow. There are no purchases necessary nor are you required to divulge any personal details as you work through it.
Many of us, at various times in life, are aware that we are not living our lives in the most fulfilling and satisfying way. We are conscious that the routines and habits of our lifestyle are sometimes unsatisfactory and in need of adjustment or improvement. We may want to be fitter, healthier, happier, enjoy better relationships, use time more effectively, improve our financial situation and feel more at peace with ourselves.
Yet so much of our time is taken up facing and responding to the urgent daily tasks of our personal lives, our relationships, our work and family responsibilities that many of us simply don’t get started on the path to self-improvement. At the same time, we battle constantly in adjusting to life changes, some invited and some not, that often challenge our coping skills and give us stress.
And so, because of these demanding societal, work and family responsibilities, and the many related tasks that take up our time and energy, we never really manage to get properly started in restructuring our life . Perhaps we make an occasional attempt, as at New Year and around birthdays, to make a fresh beginning, but somehow - for many of us - our plans fizzle out and not much is accomplished. Yet, deep down, we know and believe that things can be made better if we could only organise ourselves more effectively and consistently apply the necessary time and effort to achieve the goals that are important to us.
This is where Change Your Life in Ten Weeks can help. In this Phoenix Self-‐Help Life Plan guide and workbook, I have attempted to put together the basic principles of a self-‐transformation program which is easy to follow and which, if fully implemented, will deliver an improved and more satisfying lifestyle. Of course, in order to make real progress, we need to know where we want to go in life and have a sense of vision as to how we would like our life to be. This self-‐ awareness task, determining the where and the how, is one which only YOU will be able to accomplish. However, it is my hope that the Plan's Program, as set out in this book, will help you to work out more clearly how you want to re-plan your life and to define where you want to be.
Getting from HERE [where you are now] to THERE [where you want to be] is what this book is all about.
This second edition of the book has seen a general update and has been expanded by the inclusion of Chapters 8, 12 and 13 . A Further Reading Resources list has been added.
I wish you every blessing and good fortune as you follow through the stages of this self-development Program.