Your destiny is not predetermined nor etched in stone. It is not predictable or inevitable. It is not governed by fate or providence. Your life is in your hands and you determine the life you are living now and the life you will live in the future.
By knowing this, accepting it as the truth and then learning the techniques and teachings in this personal self development book, you will make it the best life you can ever live.
No matter what your beliefs are, the fact is that the universe has secrets that cannot be explained and behaves in a way that is far from haphazard. It was Albert Einstein who said “All this could not happen at random,” and science is now moving more and more towards the conclusion that the universe acts with intelligence and that there is a source to the energy it is made from.
The latest understanding is that the universe is made of Dark Matter, Dark Energy (they don’t know what either is), and Sub Atomic Particles in the form of matter and the stuff that fills the void or gaps between matter, i.e., Space.
We are Energy!
Sub atomic particles are not particles as such, but small bits of energy we perceive as solid objects, that is the matter we see in our universe and everyday life. Albert Einstein’s formula, tells us that e (energy) = m (mass) x c (speed of light) squared. This shows us that all mass equals energy. Not just the sun or the gassy bits or the oil or uranium. ALL MASS = ENERGY. It shows that everything in the universe, the galaxies, stars, planets, moons, gasses AND US is energy. We are like packets of energy; we are not made up of energy, “we are energy” (there is enough energy in the human body to power a small city for two weeks).
These sub atomic particles don’t just sit there in mass to form matter. They vibrate and flux in and out of the object in waves, creating and re-‐creating in a dance that is connected directly to the changes in observation. They seem to have intelligence and travel without hindrance through time and space. They exist in the past, present and future and their reactions with each other create everything in the universe, including you.
They do not judge what is right or wrong and will form whatever you ask for, but will provide you with warnings and lessons to guide you along your path if that is what is required. Of course, it is up to you whether you accept this or not and change your wants to reflex the messages being given to you.
This is called Free Will.
How many times have you used your ego and gone against what you know is the right course for whatever reason, only to eventually find it was a mistake? How many times have you trusted your intuition and it proved to be correct? The universe, the source, God, or whatever name or understanding you have for this wondrous phenomenon, is constantly looking after us, giving us the means and the tools to deal with all that life throws at us and providing us with the resources to have whatever we want. All we have to do is to see this and recognize what it is trying to tell us through the lessons and messages that constantly filter into our lives.