... a Spiritual Economics Book on $$$ and Remembering Who You Are
Remember the bumper sticker, 'QUESTION AUTHORITY'. Everyone said it yet no one did anything about it. I did; I recognized it. I had known from a very young age that I, and none other, was my own and only authority. It seems I simply spent my life evidencing it. I never, ever, listened to anyone outside myself. The problem was that I also never listened to me. It took me decades to learn to trust my intuition. The most important thing we will ever learn is who we are and this will require that we change our minds about who we think we are. This will require that we throw out everything we think we know and replace it with what we have intuitively always known. We must listen only to what our intuition intends for us.
I had given up writing this book because of people’s reactions when I mentioned the Commerce Game.
Most wanted to ‘kill the messenger’ because their having been so conned by the alleged ‘authorities’ for their entire lives was too painful to contemplate. Those with neither eyes to see nor ears to hear wanted to argue with me. Many suggested they were aware, yet upon further discussion they admitted to not really knowing.
Our mind is of 3 categories: what we know, what we don’t know, and what we don’t know we don’t know. Not knowing is unfortunate; not knowing that we don’t know is tragic. – W. Erhart.
Some actually did know about the fraudulent banking system and yet felt already defeated. They remain part of the problem by refusing to become part of the solution.
The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate.
– Dr. Wayne Dyer
I concluded that, unfortunately, only a few want to hear how to become free, stop identifying with their false beliefs, do what they want to do (instead of ‘working for a living’), and live in joy which is what we are designed to do. I felt as if I were my own minority group – I truly do want to know that which I don’t want to know. Most want security over freedom. As most people identify with their beliefs, giving them up would present the fear, ‘who would I BE?’ If they were to open their minds, drop their preconceived notions and their psychological prejudices, let go of the concept that their beliefs are who they are, they might become enlightened.
Millions of unconscious people are not taking responsibility for their inner peace. – Eckhart Tolle.
Needless to say, suggesting we have been conned into playing an insidious game which is destroying our lives, our futures, our fellowship, our spirituality, and our true natures, will meet with non-receptive minds. Consequently, in exasperation one night I resolved that my book would be futile – a waste of my time and energy. I declared I would put my efforts back into developing my Energy Psychology practice. In the middle of the night I was awakened by a voice saying, “Secret Oral Teachings”. I thought, “I’ll remember” and went back to sleep. Later I heard it again, and then again upon awakening I heard, “Secret Oral Teachings” at which point I leapt out of bed and went to my books and put my hand on a small brown book which I’d owned for 20 years and never read, entitled, Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects by Alexandra David-Néel and Lama Yongden (1967). Within the first eight pages I read about the hesitation of the Buddha, before beginning His Mission:
“I have discovered a profound truth, difficult to perceive, difficult to understand, accessible only to the wise.
“Human beings busy themselves in the vortex of the world and find their pleasure. It will be difficult for men to understand the law of the concatenation of causes and effects, the suppression of the samskaras (ideas that one forms which depend upon ignorance).
“Of what use to reveal to men that which I have discovered at the price of laborious efforts? Why should I do so? – This doctrine cannot be understood by those filled by desire and hatred .. it is mysterious, deep; hidden from the vulgar mind. If I proclaim it and men are unable to understand it, the only result will be fatigue and annoyance for me.”
Brahma Sahampati exhorts the Buddha to conquer His hesitation:
“May the Venerable One preach the Doctrine! There are beings whose spiritual eyes are hardly darkened by light dust, these will understand the Doctrine. In the land of Magadha a false doctrine has prevailed up to the present, elaborated by men whose minds were contaminated (by ignorance). Now open to them the gate of Immortality (literally, of the deathless).