Channeled communications have continued from the Trans-leations (beings of 'light') who reside 1000 light years from Earth. This eagerly awaited sequel to 'Pathway', is delivered to you in the name of love, light and truth. You will know thy love....the love that embraces thee, You will know thy light...the light that helps you see, You will know thy truth...then the truth will set you free!
Thursday, January 11, 1996 (7:45pm)
DK: After the vision / message a few days ago I felt that it was time to pick up the pen again. Somehow, I just knew that a communication would be channeled for me to collate the Trans-leations message of Love, Light and Truth.
First of all, I sat and prayed for ‘light’ to surround and protect me from any possible disruptive influences. Then, I ‘opened’ my heart and mind to receive the vibrant connection asking, “My dear family and friends, teachers and guides, I know that you are here, yet I have missed you so much. Please help me to help myself and to trust that everything is as it should be, so that I can progress and help others too. (There is so much on my mind at the moment. There are so many, many decisions to make and other people’s feelings I have to consider.)
I long to write your words of love, friendship and wisdom. Please, please Trans-leations, hear my call from my heart. Draw closer than ever before. You are so special to me and so important too. Help me to grow so that I may move forward and serve in the name of love and truth.”
NB (A few seconds passed, suddenly there came a feeling of such an immense and pure energy, which seemed to flow all over my body. This felt as if a wisp of silk had suddenly enveloped me, protecting and loving me. It was overwhelmingly peaceful. I knew at this precise moment that ‘they’ were here again.)
COMMUNICATION: Oh my son. We hear your cry from where you are and it flies so high and so far that you could never know. Yes, we are here, for when you need us and as well as when we need you. Always this is the way David. We are and always will be, together.
We see your problems and also feel within your heart to know these feelings that soar so high and sometimes so low. This is natural for you. You cannot hide it and you cannot deceive yourself. As you progress and as you grow, you will know and think of the right answers and you will become stronger too. This will help you to cope and to move on, as you and your heart desires. All in good time.
What you are going through (along with many other people who are coming to terms with what is happening to their inner selves/higher frequencies) is natural. Never force or try to change or push in the wrong direction. Your feelings can often be misguided, as there are always distractions. It is (or are) these things that you must also grow to know too. It has been said before, and you know what is meant by, “Do not fight what is inevitable.”
You also know that we do not mean to fight by the hand or with a gun but describe the ‘ inner’ struggle. It is very important to learn to know from within (your intuition) and by trusting it you will then trust your ‘self’. This will inevitably make you feel stronger to cope with life and with the things that can make so many of you feel ‘down’.
Know the light is always there but is sometimes shielded by someone’s thoughts or by the ‘in-built’ confusion that we have described before. Also, sow the seed of love, for that is all you need to do. Also stop, (if you can), trying to expect too much from yourself. Let things flow my son and you will get to where you want and where you are meant to be.