In times of Apocalypse, this book will help you to start your own New Age of Spirituality beyond traditional religion.
“ Then I saw heaven opened. And behold, a white horse. He Who sat on it was called Faithful and True. And His name is Word of God.
Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword.
And the beast and the false prophets were all terminated through it.”
Revelation, 19
This is how Christians foresaw the coming of a Messiah of God. Most other religions, also, vision the coming of a Messiah on a white horse ( Mahdi, Kalki Avatar, etc ). Well, but what exactly these visions mean in the mundane life we live ?
The symbol of a “human on a horse” was always used to represent the “mind over matter” , “intelligence over instincts” , “spirituality over senses” relations in us. And the “beast” symbolizes the reversed relations. In fact, it symbolizes the ignorance in us. And especially, our ignorance about God.
So, “horseman destroying beast” symbolizes Knowledge overpowering ignorance in us. And this is done through a really great battle within our consciousness. ( Named “The Armageddon Battle” , the “Battle of Kurukshetra” in Vedic tradition, “Jihad” in Islam, etc.)
Indeed, a real great tribulation and revolution have to take place in us, in order to destroy ignorance with the “sharp sword” of the Knowledge of God. A real great effort will be made in our individual attitude of mind, a real drastic change of values in our morals, before we conquer the mighty instincts of ignorance.
And only then a Messiah comes in us. In our individual consciousness the “Messiah” of God Realization evolves : The pragmatic Knowledge about the real God and self. And the practical Path from self to God. A simple method that everyone could use, adding it to one’s own religion.
Then Moses asked God, “When I come to the children and say to them, ‘God has sent me to you.’ And they say to me, ‘What is His name?’ What shall I tell them?”
And God answered, “ I AM WHO I AM. Thus you shall say to the children – I AM has sent me to you.”
Exodus, 3
This is how God presented Himself before a prophet.
But what actually He meant by that ? What is this I that He refers to? What is His I ?
Well, we do not understand what this I of God is. But we can know what our own I is. Usually, we conceive our I as our body and mind. Or let us call them “organism”. We know that the organism and all that is out of it (the environment) are one indivisible whole. They are made up of the same particles and they are manifestations of the same laws of nature – biological, chemical, physical, astrophysical, etc. According to these laws, organism and environment interact and interrelate with each other, thus forming one inseverable whole.
And this is how, in fact, my organism goes beyond its boundaries ; and becomes the Whole? I become the Whole? I am the Whole? I am the “all that exists”, “all that is”?
Well, but if we name this Whole “God”, then my I becomes God? My I is God? My I and God’s I become one I? I = I - the fundamental formula and definition of God? God - our One and Only real I ?
And thus, we could know why God names Himself “I AM”? We could know what “I AM” means through knowing our real I ? We could know God through knowing our own true I?