Funforms is a new math notational system. It is designed to have maximum simplicity. By learning this new math language, the learner will gain significant insights into how math works. I believe that people with dyscalculia may be able to learn math this way.
Congratulations! You are about to learn about FUNFORMS, the first advance in the general written numbering system in 1000 years, or more.
My goals today are to teach you enough about FUNFORMS that you will either choose to teach yourself the rest, or contact me for further instructions.
Eventually, my goal is that certain students will have the opportunity to be enriched by learning FUNFORMS and seeing how it “works”.
Eventually, my goal is that certain students will have the opportunity to be enriched by learning FUNFORMS and seeing how it “works”.
•You could easily ask, “Well don’t we already teach an alternate numbering system?”
•Yes, we do teach Roman numerals.
Everyone knows what XVI means, don’t they?
Yes, everyone knows what that means. The problem is Roman Numerals are not easily manipulated. A student learning them learns little or nothing about the facts about how numbers work.
FUNFORMS is a numbering system that is easily manipulated. It is a tally mark place order system, likely the first one