"I'm Dying to Get to Heaven" is a short yet powerful book that centers around the conflict of our two natures. We have a worldy or human nature and a spiritual nature, both living within us side by side. The purpose of this book is to help us become more spiritual than we presently are, especially if you are actively seeking to understand how spirituality can help you improve your life.
This book is being written for everyone because each one of us is dying. We are just in different stages. Science tells us that we begin to die the moment we are born. There is a process within us that is activated to cause a slow destruction to ourselves. We are literally born to die. This book hopefully will bring out this reality in true focus and the fact that all of us have only so much time to live. How much we do not know, but if we can come to the reality that we only have so much time, then we might also come to the reality that time is not only important, it is everything and cannot be replaced. What we do with this time will determine whether we live a life of joy and happiness or live in sadness and gloom, whether we live lives of a more spiritual nature or lives of a more worldly nature. The choice will be ours. Spiritual or worldly. The world and ourselves as we know will someday come to an end. The spiritual is eternal. You can choose to believe this or not, but one thing that you must believe is the absolute truth. You will die someday. This book is also written to help bring a certain perspective into our reality during this process of dying. There never has been and never will be an easy way in this life, but it is possible to have an easier way than a harder way. This book was written to help everyone no matter what stage of life you are in. There is hope for everyone.
There is a special section especially written for those who are terminally ill. It was meant to be a help through God in their last day. One of the objectives is to allow them to accept death and the reality of death. This book also deals with expanding the love of those whose death is eminent to God but also to those family and friends who love them. They are also suffering but in a different way. Besides having to deal with the loss of someone they love, they must also deal with the reality of their own demise. They must look back over their lives and see what they have done both good and bad. This is not easy because all of us have done and said things which we deeply regret at the present time. They must also look at the stage of their life that exists in the present. This introduction will hopefully open their hearts to realize what is really important in their life. It’s not things or materialism or themselves. It is a love of God and a love in their hearts for others who care about them.
The purpose of this book is to help one person with different aspects of their mortality. We are all going to die. There are some who are afraid of that day and some who put this reality out of their mind so in some strange way they have not completely accepted it. Our death is in fact a new beginning for an eternal life of joy and bliss. Should you not believe this, then you would be afraid and in a form of denial. There are islands in the South Pacific where the people go into a period of mourning when a baby is born since they know that this life is filled with hardship, sadness, and disappointment. That is the opposite when a person dies. They have a lavish feast with dancing and all kinds of merriment since the person has left all the sorrow and pain of this world and entered into another world of eternal joy. We are mourning our personal loss of someone we love. If we can look at it in this light, then death will take on a whole different meaning and effect. It’s all in how we look at it. We will be dying to get to heaven.