Noah and the Sons of God is a sequel to Enoch and the Sons of God.
They are both dark biblical fantasies with some romance and humor. The sons of God rule the world and their children are mighty giants and or have great magical powers or great intelligence. Noah and the Sons of God is about Noah’s family and the sons of God’s adventures, romances and family lives before and during the great flood. King Semjaza’s closest friend, the mighty researcher plots to take the world away from God and use humans for his ungodly experiments. After God took Enoch and humiliates the rebellious sons of God, Semjaza humbles himself. Lamech, Noah’s father tells the king to exile the mighty researcher. King Semjaza does but latter invites the mighty researcher back along with his ghoulishly cruel daughter Layil. Noah grows up to be a very shy man who has a hard time finding love, has serious doubts about God and who drinks too much wine.
Noah, son of Lamech, son of Methuselah, son of Enoch, painted our sacred history up to God taking Enoch away in the new holy cave's first section. Welcome to the second section. I, Arphaxad, son of Shem, long remember when I was a seven year old boy. I was woken up late during one chilly dark new moon night by my horribly drunk grandfather. I heard grandfather shouting hatefully with his rather low elderly voice, "Ham, you dis--grace-ful -son, how dare --you --look apon my --nakedness! --Au--gh!" I heard my father Shem and his fat older brother Japheth trying to calm him down. Shem’s worried voice said, “Father calm down, please…” Japheth angrily said, “Father, you’re drunk!” Grandfather breathing heavily, furiously said, “Japh-eth, --shut ---up! --Ham dis—respect-ed, ---me!”
I sit up and unwrapped the warm brown furs around me. Shivering, I stand up. I grab my little long gray hooded furs and wrap them around my young chilling body. I pull my hood over my long dark brown hair. I put my thick wooden sandals on my cold feet. I strap old furs snugly around them with strips of animal hides. I run outside my father's tan-colored tent into the shallow snow on this dark starry night. Lighted by our roaring campfire’s flickering flames, I see my fat, extremely old, ugly wrinkled grandfather embarrassing himself. I couldn't help but smell his sickly sweet wine breath. He stumbles around half naked in front of his three long grayish bearded sons, Japheth, my father Shem, and Ham. Japheth wear his long black hooded robe. Shem wears his long gray robe and turban. Ham wears his long brown hooded robe. They hold their staffs. Grandfather is wearing nothing but a long brown and tan deer hide awkwardly wrap around his fat bloated stomach. His trembling age spotted three fingered left hand holds the dear hide up covering his fat naked body. I frown. I watch my grandfather drunkenly shout, "Ham, how da-a-a-re -y-oou? --Look, ---at my nak-ed bod--y!" Ham stands there slumped holding his crooked wooden staff as his reddish long bearded face briefly looks up. Then my nine year old cousin Tubal walks out of Japheth’s gray spotted tent. Tubal is wearing his little black spotted gray furs. His youthful dark face frowns sleepily beneath his shiny gray turban. He yawns. Tubal rudely shouts, "What the Sheol is wrong with grandfather?" His father Japheth hits his wooden staff down on the snow. His brown, long bearded face frowns. Japheth angrily shouts, "Tubal son, don't use that kind of language! Go back to my tent!" Tubal frowns and tiredly says, "Yes, father Japheth..." He turns around and walks back into his tent. Grandfather's sore eyes look around as his other grandchildren walk out of their tents to see what all the shouting is about, including his favorite granddaughter Pe'ullah. She’s just five years old and is a little bit plumb. She’s wearing long tan furs and a big fluffy tan cap over her blond hair. Her pale chubby face and tearful blue eyes smiles at him. Grandfather stops shouting. He drunkenly says, "Pe'ul-lah, you --here?" Pe’ullah timidly says, “Hi, grandfather..” Ham’s reddish brown face frowns painfully from behind his brown hood. Grandfather turns and shouts, “Ham, -you --creep!” Japheth holds his staff, and sadly says, "Father, enough!" My father Shem is standing by him. Grandfather angrily slurs his words as he says, "Japh-eth, r-resp-ect me-e!" Shem leans on his wooden staff and nervously says, "Father, we respect you! That’s why Japheth and me put that deer hide on our shoulders and walked backwards into your tent to cover you because, --we respect you..." Shem sadly stares. Grandfather steps right up to his face, as spittle runs down his bushy white beard. Our plump grandmother quietly walks up behind him. She’s wearing her ankle length yellowish tan furs and her red long feather headdress. She's old but he’s much older. Grandfather angrily says, "Shem, do-o not,-- tell me --you respect me!" Grandmother’s wrinkled, yet lovely reddish brown face frowns intensely as she forcefully says, “Rule Three! Don’t act fearful, angry, or sad!” Grandfather vomits down on his long tangled beard and says, “Sha’ah, m-my young --lovely..” Ham stands there with head bowed low.
Ham's skinny six year old son Canaan runs out of Ham’s white tent. He is wearing his long white furs and his thick furry cap. He gleefully looks at his grandfather and laughs at him. He wildly swings his too big for him wooden staff. He rudely shakes his head as his long blond hair wildly swings around. The campfire lights up his pale scornfully smiling face and his dark blue eyes. Canaan jokingly shouts, “Hey, grandfather! --Can I have some wine? You fat old fool… Ha. Ha. Ha!” Ham looks shocked. Sha’ah points at him and angrily shouts, "Canaan, stop insulting your grandfather! Go back to your tent!" He sticks out his rude little tongue at her. Grandfather looks at his lovely plump wife, and loudly burps. Canaan points his staff at Ham and yells, "Hey, father Ham, stand up to this fat old naked drunk! -He’s naked. He’s naked. Ha, ha. ha..." Grandfather looks angry. Ham’s face turns pale as he shouts, "Son, shut up! Go back --now!" Japheth angrily says, "Canaan, obey your father!" Shem angrily shouts, “Trust me, you don’t want to be involve in this!” I hear an eerie hoot. Canaan bows down and grabs a fist sized stone off the frosty ground. Sha'ah angrily grabs one of grandfather's flabby arms and says, “Rule four, don’t curse! --Don’t you dare cure that little brat!” Canaan holds up the stone and rudely shouts, "Hey Noah, you fat old naked fool! --Stop yelling at my father or I’ll..." Ham angrily shouts, “Canaan, shut up and go back to my tent!” Noah drunkenly shouts, “Ham, shut --up! --You --look on my --naked-ness!” Canaan aims his stone. Pe'ullah fearfully shouts, "Brother, --Please don’t!" Sha'ah angrily shouts, "Caanan, don't throw that stone or --I’ll beat you!" Canaan viciously throws the stone. The stone hits grandfather just above his right eye. Noah falls back unconscious. Pe’ullah screams. Sha’ah screams. Shocked, Ham drops his staff, roughly grabs his son and asks, “O-Canaan,--how could you?” His scrawny son looks scared. Grandmother falls to her knees, and holds her fat husband tight. Sha’ah shouts in agony, “Noah! Wake up! Wake up! --Shem, --get me water and a towel now!” Shem runs to his tent. He brings a clay jar and a towel to her. Sha’ah dunks a towel in the jar of water. She gently puts it over grandfather’s swollen right eye. Sha’ah painfully shouts, “O Creator of All help!” She wipes the blood off her husband’s forehead. Grandfather slowly wakes up. He painfully screams. He stands up, and angrily pushes his wife away. He holds the deer hide up around his bulging stomach. Sha'ah angrily shouts, "Noah, you’re breaking rule three! Don't act angry…" Noah holds the wet towel over his badly bruised eye. Sha'ah bitterly shouts, "Noah, don't you dare break rule four! --Don’t curse! Don’t curse! Don’t curse!" Noah drops the towel. Furious tears roll down his dark purplish bruised eye. Noah charges towards Canaan but Shem and Japheth holds him back. Ham holds his fearful scrawny son tight. Noah bitterly shouts, ("Cursed be Canaan; a servants of servants shall he be unto his brethren. Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant."-*Genesis 9:25-27). I hear another hoot. Sha’ah slaps grandfather’s bloated face hard, she cries and furious shouts, “You broke --rule four! --O-no! No!--You don’t know --what you’ve done!” Noah calms down and timidly says, “Me lovely, --me -did a --silly, silly, silly…” Pe'ullah cries bitterly as she shouts, "Grandfather, --you cursed my brother so very badly!" Much embarrassed, Noah says timidly, "Ouchy, --Pe'ull-ah, me -sorry!" Little Pe’ullah runs back to the white tent. Sha’ah shakes her head and angrily says, “Noah, you broke rule five too... Don’t apologize or explain yourself…” Shocked, Ham lets go of his son. Canaan runs away. Shem sadly asks, “Father, how could you cursed your own grandchild?” Japheth angrily says, “Father, you’re a disgrace…” Ham picks up his crooked wooden staff, shakes his head and tearfully says, "O-Father, --you cursed-my son Canaan to be --a slave! --I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" Ham weeps. He slowly walks back to his tent. I see that Sha'ah’s face is redder than normal. Noah picks up the towel, puts it over his swollen eye, and says, "Augh, S-Sha'ah, my young love--ly… I did –big silly... Silly! Ha, ha.. Ha.." Sha'ah very bitterly says in tears, "No! --You broke rule four! Our families will suffer!" Sha’ah coldly walks away from him. If my grandfather ever got drunk again, I never saw it.