This is the story of my personal transformation in reverse. Simply stated I had a vision. I believe like Moses, Abraham and others I was graced with the vision of and communication from God. In believing the truth he told me his name. In that name of truth I do not believe I visited an Angel. This is a difficult story for me to tell. I am both fearful and driven. I know it is God's will to bring this writing to you.
I started meditating with a need to solve the conundrums of life, the situation of my current living and a need to find the release of general negativity I did not want to feel. The bottom fell out on my life so I built a better one. Troubles followed me it seemed and internally; I needed a way out of the strife.
One day while awake and meditating I was blinded by the light. It is really just that simple. I am not the first person to have an epiphany. I am not the first person to claim to have seen the light. I will surely not be the last.
Over history many people have had revelations, conversed with God and claimed to see God in a visible form. God being pure light would need some way for that to transpire. Truly I have approached the God of Light with the presence of Christ at my side.
I believe that my experience seeing the light and being reborn was divine.
In every facet of the imagination I am truly healed. I am healthier in my mind, spirit and body than I ever have been. This can happen to anyone. It has happened to many people. These are the known effects from seeing the light. The renewal of being reborn.
I recorded an incredible experience over fourteen days. I had no idea what was truly transpiring, My life is forever changed by the events of those days. Many more than I have recorded.
This is my story from my first days of enlightenment backwards to my last days of anger. It is an amazing journey worthy enough to inspire hearts and convince many that God is not dead. God will never die. With many false ones to come we need to find the spirit of Jesus again now more than ever. There are many signs that we are walking into a new age for mankind. Will it be an ending or a new beginning?
Surely it is for each of us to tell that story.