It's Lori's wedding night and husband, Sam, makes a startling revelation just hours after arriving at their dream honeymoon location. A devastated Lori returns to London believing revenge will help her recover from the shocking blow. But Lori does something she will live to regret.
Sam's best friend, Matt, is there to offer Lori a shoulder to cry on because Lori's best friend, Julia, disappeared just days before the wedding.
This flaky foursome are about to have their relationships stretched to the limits, when honesty is in short supply and bed hopping seems to be the order of the day.
Excerpt from Sleeping With Your Best Friend one of Rosa's best romance novels:
The day I met Julia was our very first day at school. There I was, a skinny five year old with freshly trimmed hair and neatly pressed dungarees, who skipped into the playground holding her mum's hand. And there was Julia. She had two, carrot coloured ponytails, tied up by flame red ribbons. She bounced up to me and said, 'You're going to be my best friend,' and that was fine by me because I had already warmed to this chubby girl with a big smile.
We always sat next to each other, from primary school right through to high school. And, although we were on different degree courses, we even went to the same university. Inevitably, once we'd graduated, we shared a flat.
Now some people might find that a little unhealthy, to seemingly be joined together at the hip, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Julia was my best friend and I adored her.
But it wasn't as if we were exact replicas of each other. For example, I grew up to be tall with a slim build, long, straight fair hair and lived in jeans and t-shirts. Julia was a curvaceous red head with a natural pout and great dress sense. She was arty and in to languages and literature. I was sporty, with a love of the great outdoors. Our taste in men was different too; very handy because that also meant we never fell out over them.
About two years ago we started dating two guys who also happened to be best friends from childhood. That meant a lot of double dating. We were like a gang, think Friends but with couples. It was always Lori and Sam and Julia and Matt. The Awesome Foursome – Julia and I used to joke about it all the time.
And that's where my story begins. About two years ago. Because it was then that Julia and I began to have something close to our first big falling out. We had never fallen out completely. It hadn't gotten to that. There had been times when little things annoyed us about the other and, sometimes, trying to ignore the little things became a little hard.
I always thought, though, that being honest about how you feel about another person was the healthiest way to be. Being truthful could either make or break a relationship. I hated to think that because we finally had serious boyfriends that our friendship would suffer but there was something about Julia that bothered me. It was like she had something to hide.
Then out of the the blue, this happened.
'Wouldn't it be great if we could have a double wedding?' I said to Julia. We were in our flat. I was looking at a magazine with my feet up on the sofa and Julia was flitting about, watering the plants by the window.
'I suppose.' Julia's answer was long and drawn out. 'But what if we got into arguments over it,' she said, not looking at me.
'Like what?' I said.
'Well, I know we like a lot of the same things but what if my dress upstaged yours and you got jealous, Lori? You're always saying you wish you had my curves.'
'True, but you always said you wished you had my catwalk figure.'
'Well, being skinny is fine, but guys like something they can grab hold of.' She looked me up and down and turned her head away.
'And guys don't like pretentious women who talk about foreign films every second of the day,' I said, trying to be blasé and flicking over a page in my magazine.
'I don't do that,' she protested. 'I don't talk about foreign films every second of the day.'
'Well practically. Besides, you just called me skinny!'
'I meant slim. And don't start getting paranoid about your 32d's.'
'Who said I was?'
'Well you should be. Like I said, men prefer bodies that aren't going to snap in two after a good, hard-'
'Julia! What's gotten into you?'
'Nothing! I'm going for a walk.'