This second installment of the Trine Trilogy Science Fiction Books has Langland trying to paste back together Trine even as yet another plot threatens his world. He is romancing a lover on the island nation of Mordem while Considine, his confidant and partner, is playing two sides of a political fence. Brogan has landed upon an earth with a son. Together they will have to figure out what the nature of their existence is even as they conclude something is amiss on this earth they've been living on. Once things come to a head, will they be able to save themselves from erasure and will Langland be able to defeat the shaman? Otherwise, they can never be reunited. Worlds are at stake, but just who can be trusted becomes a particular item of concern.
Langland looked up at Considine, who had that look in his face again. Langland knew he wanted an egg, but Langland was still hopelessly in love with his former lover whose name rang in his mind constantly, like an out-of-control ubo taken to throbbing with desire unstoppably. Considine lowered his body over Langland and Langland found himself fighting him off when the InterPathway started coming to that edge of procreation again.
“What?” Considine said, lifting his body up, and trying to seduce his lover with shiny eyes. “Surely you must know that I am the memer for you. I can see the love in your eyes.”
“Yes, all true. But I can’t…”
“Don’t keep mentioning that name. Surely you must know it’s impossible. You said yourself that you had no way of recovering the wormholes.”
“It’s only good for holding up books now,” Considine said. “Besides, you have been raised to Supreme Ruler now that Trine is united. The Portians even revere you. You must dwell on your responsibilities and give up on idle fantasies.”
This angered Langland. He jumped off the bed and physically pushed Considine so hard that he now lay sprawled on the floor. Considine wasn’t surprised. He knew Langland had developed an abusive side because life had become somewhat meaningless to him despite the turn to spirituality and constant praying.
“The gods of the Pantheon will assist me,” Langland cried, even as Considine began calmly rising to his feet.
“Oh, my beloved Langland. You are so hopelessly deluded. I’ve decided to get an intellectual master to help you with your dilemmas. I think that if we can restore you to your former interests, you may finally find peace within the great confines of that mind of yours. Come on, let me hear it from your lips. I know you want to say it.”
Langland relented after a certain struggle of emotions crossed through his face. “Yes, I love you, Considine. And I appreciate you taking me into your grand home, and loving me back. But still…”