Summary: Thirty years ago, the late Mr. Narinder Kumar Chauhan
penned this book, but due to his untimely passing, it remained
unpublished. Now, after three decades, his family has lovingly brought
it to life, meticulously updating and refining the original content, and
presenting it with entirely new illustrations, design, and artwork. This
long-awaited release pays tribute to the author's legacy and brings
his vision to a new generation of readers. It is a story of the universe —
how the universe began, stars formed and how they shine and die.
galaxies, constellations and our own solar system.
More exciting than any fairy tale is the story of stars and Planets. It attracts both young and old. Long ago my mother told this story to my children. They were thrilled by it and have never forgotten it. Such was the charm of her story and the timeless wonder of these heavenly bodies. The original story has been updated and retold in these pages to introduce young readers to the amazing worlds above us. What the heavens contain and how its complex machinery works is, in many ways, a mystery. It is difficult to comprehend that stars are suns and what we see in the sky is a vast land of suns. The enormous size of these bodies and the immense distances which separate them are also beyond the imagination. The information contained in this book may convey their intrinsic nature. Our sun and planets are part of these amazing worlds. It is difficult to imagine that many suns are thousands of times brighter than our sun and the incredible gift we receive from stars when they die. The sky is also adorned with
‘heavenly frescoes’ that we call constellations. The classical lore associated with their shapes enlivens these distant beacons of light. This story covers these fascinating aspects. It is hard to fully capture nature’s drama in heaven. A small part of it is presented here that may unfold a world of fantasy and delight to the young readers. They may find the narrative
entertaining to grasp the basic information which is the objective of this story.