No one knows what their future holds. We often hear this when we don't know what else to say about a situation. Nacola was one of those children whose life was meant for a story book. Her parents were brutally murdered and she fell in love with the epitome of danger.
She knew she was loved by the people around her but in her profession, does that love solve every problem you every encounter? She realises she wants more out of life but she doesn't know how to ask for it and when the times come the decision will have to be made by someone else.
Will the love she has found give her new meaning? Will she always be who she is or will she make a total change and become the woman she was meant to be and most of all will she find out who she really is?
"I need all of you safe in case I screw up Toggle, you know the drill, you are the one who created it."
"I'm getting old Batch, pretty soon I won't be able to do this, and the signs are there. Take us with you. Please." Toggle never says please.
"Guys?" Batch questions the faces on each screen.
"We're in." They all responded at once.
"If we all leave now, we can't come back."
"We know, everything is already set. As of 6am this morning we own nothing here. All the accounts have been transferred to where they need to go." Toggle waited for Batch to react.
"Okay, what's going on?"
"Last job Batch, you need a life, your childhood was one dramatic experience after the next. We feel guilty bringing you into this life and it's time we all get out."
"Don't guys. You're all I have, all I know. Why now?" The tears began to pool in her eyes. She wiped them with the back of her hand.
"Toggle is dying sweetie. He and Giggs are going to retire and take a permanent vacation. Rom and Sata want to get married and have a family. That leaves you and me. The others already know and I can't hide anymore. I've loved you from the day we rescued you. I would give my life to see you happy. After this job, I would like us to start dating and if you agree we will get married in a few months. If not, you will never see me again because I can't bear to see you with another man."
The sniffles became louder.
"Oh geeze, honey don't cry. This is all sudden, we know that and we wanted to do this in person but this job came up and Toggle's instincts are never wrong. We knew this day would come and this way we can get out by choice and not by death."
"Yes what?" Five voices responded.
"I'll marry you Simm but not in a few months, tomorrow."
"Toggle, Giggs, permission to marry tomorrow."
"Permission granted. Okay power down, we meet at headquarters at 6am tomorrow morning."
Headquarters happened to be a picnic bench in the nearest park. Toggle andGiggs showed up walking hand in hand. Rom and Sata rode up on bicycles, Simm cruised in his cream SUV and Batch zoomed in on her Ninja Bike.
Everyone sat down but said nothing.
"We have company, look alert." Rom whispered.
"No, that's Father Mark, he's here to marry us." Simm explained quickly, he could see Toggle's hand resting on his concealed weapon.
"Good morning everyone are we all ready?" Father Mark asked as he reached the crowd.
"Yes we are Father."
"Are we all set Toggle?"
"Yes. Today we run through the transfers, mark points, weapons, your extraction and base camp. It's old school on this one kid."
"Duly noted."
They discussed everything in half hour and committed it all to memory.
"Batch, Simm, tonight is your honeymoon and it's on us. Make it count. Others will tell you that you will be happy forever but in this business we know better. Tomorrow maybe the last either of you see one another so conjure up every ounce of love you have and give it to each other. We love you both. Now, the limo is waiting." Giggs spoke softly. Her baby girl had grown up and it was time to let go. She tried to stop the tears when they newlyweds walked away.
"Oh honey, they will be just fine. We taught them well and no matter what happens we did good. Now we have to go home and pack. See you later guys."
Simm and Batch got into the limo and Toggle and Giggs drove their vehicles back to the house. The limo took the couple to the La Bleu Hotel. They were escorted to their honey moon suite. Breakfast was waiting and as they sat down the tension in the room was getting thick. They started to eat and Simm broke the silence.
"Sweetie, I feel like I forced you to marry me by telling you how I feel and topped it off with impending doom on this job. If we survive, all I can ask if that you give me the opportunity to make you happy. I won't touch you unless you want me to. If within a year and you find that I haven't succeeded, we can get a divorce but I won't give up without a fight. I love you Nacola." He reached out and took her hand. The ring she wore cost him 75 large. If she knew the price she would make him take it back.
Nacola looked up with tears in her eyes.
"Did you lie when you said you loved me from the day you rescued me?"
"I would never lie to you sweetie. Yes I meant it. Toggle will tell you I said I was going to marry you when you turned 21."
"He never told you what I said to him?"
"No, what was it?"
"I told him I would marry you before our last job that was 6 years ago. I turned 21 last week. The only person who knows my birthdate was him, not even Giggs knew. He set this up."
"I guess he did, is the job even real?"
"Yes, he wouldn't go through all of this for a fake job, I guess the timing was right. I won't start questioning him now. He would never put us in deliberate danger."
"True. Let's finish breakfast."
"Yes sweetie."
"I......... can we............ never mind."
"Honey, you can ask me anything. I am your husband now. Tell me what you need and I will make sure you have it." Matthew knew she wanted to make love but he needed her to be sure. He hid his arousal under the table cloth in case she got up and hope he didn't have to either. Her eyes were darkening and she was twisting her hands in her lap.
"I've never been with anyone before. I'm afraid I won't please you."
"Honey, you are my life, I have waited 9 years for you, and there is nothing you could do that would displease me. Are you scared?"
"Of being with you? I guess I am but I don't want to wait. I need to be with you now. Make love to me please Matthew."
"Nacola, I won't stop after I kiss you, your permission now binds us together forever, do you understand me?"
"Yes my love, I need you now."