A gripping Nigerian crime novel.
Susan Obi who was in a group of six and last year in college was found dead in her apartment - it was on a day she had a camera installed. With all evidence leading to Tade Leo - a member of the reading group, Rebecca Shittu - another member of the group was furious and decided to spit out all she knew about each member of the reading group to Detective Thomas.
Her decision caused dissension within the group but Detective Thomas was ready to put Tade Leo behind the bars only that he couldn't be found.
Early Monday morning Susan Obi sank into her sofa, her leg stretched forward and her eyes focused on the TV screen. Soon she adjusted her position. Lying on her chest, she rested on the sofa which was slightly smaller than her bed in width, however, the size was just enough to accommodate her lanky structure.
It was 7 a.m. and she was just right in time for the program she anticipated each morning. Susan picked up the remote to increase the volume; listening to the Morning Show on OBT Channel, has been her routine. The long ram horn reminded her of the ongoing Muslim festival, thanks to Port Harcourt religious status. Even though the main celebration was last week, the majority of the northern population and some south westerners were still having lots of mutton in their stew pot. The street buzzed with festive greetings. She wished her industrial training calendar had July in it, the freedom of sighting the landscape of almost idle highways would have been fantastic.
The euphoria of becoming a news caster was seated deep within her. It had been her dream since her fourth year in high school. Though she was an average student, she had never let her dream crumble. She had always wanted to sit before the camera in order to broadcast news to the world. She could recall how she had felt whenever she rested her head on her father's chest, as they both listened to the news.
At 7:30a.m., a picture which adorns her hi-fi cabinet below the TV caught her attention. Swaying on her sofa to focus on it, memories of her deceased mother flooded her mind and nostalgia swept through her. Susan remembered how easy she got her industrial training placement at the same TV station her mother had worked. She could remember her affable smile during her troubled times, but now this was gone. She would have to move on, to live her life right, and make her mother proud of her. She had to do it for her pride; for her unborn children.
Susan jerked to the right when she heard her phone ring. She followed the echoing sound, trying to guess the last place she must have dropped the phone. She walked towards the empty wardrobe, where she had left it.
'Stan,' she said, as saw the envelop display on her phone. She thought that he was trying to plan an excuse, perhaps he was on his way, until the "where the hell are you?" message popped out after she unlocked her phone. She slide her feet into a pair of fancy flip flops and headed toward the door, this visit was a welcome distraction.
'Sorry, I was preoccupied,' she said as soon as she saw Stan Okon. She moved to the side as she left the door ajar for her guest. Stan looked like he was out of the '70's. The cross belt clipped the three quarter trouser firmly leaving the tucked shirt fixed. His humorous appearance was not expressed on his face, his face had lines and he projected an image of seriousness every time.
'Hmm,' he said as his gaze fixed on her. She could see the surprise in his face, maybe confusion too, she wasn’t sure.
'Are you missing Kelvin?' He winked, before bursting into laughter.
'If you get lost in thoughts, it must have been a conversation with him,' he said, leaving her speechless, she put her hand into her pocket and absorbed his teasing.
'No, I'm not,' she said softly. Trying to end the discussion, she held his hand to usher him inside before Reb's eyes would catch him entering her apartment. Kelvin Eze was the type of man she wanted since her third year in college, though she didn’t allowed him in her heart until her final year. She saw his undying quest to get her. Well, that was after Tade had told Kelvin he wasn't into her.
'I can't believe that,' Stan retorted. 'It has been eight days since he left for Kaduna.'
'I am sure you are right, she is certainly speaking with him,' a tiny voice said behind him. She was sure it was Rebecca Shittu, she must have overheard this conversation. Reb's footsteps were always muffled like that of an assassin. She looked quite well in her Afro hairstyle. Her red ribbon matching with her dress. Kelvin had only spent a week in Kaduna- in the northern part of the country to represent Crossgate University at the annual university competition. And that was enough to bring a tease.
'Come on Sus, what kept you occupied?' Reb asked as she walks up to her, resting her hand on Susan’s shoulder.
'Will you come in or should I lock you out forever?' She said to abruptly end any further teasing she wasn't in for.
'Stan, what are you here for?' Reb asked with utter disregard for Susan’s request.
'Oh, you mean Stan,' Susan ran her eyes on him then returned her gaze to Reb. 'I'm sure you noticed his dressing.’ She said, trying to change the topic. After all, she wasn't expecting her to be here, not when she is busy with something.