Jack Maguire is going nowhere fast. Stuck in a dead end, soul- destroying job Jack knows he needs a drastic change in his life but he doesn't anticipate just how drastically different his world is going to become.
In a world that is further away but at the same time much closer to ours than we can comprehend a gathering of extraordinary people was taking place. This was the assembling place for the Alderbaran Soul Sentinel Council. A large round wooden panelled room that contained many seats surrounded a central stage.
‘What is the meaning of this meeting,’ people sitting in the seats called out, they were annoyed they had been called at such late notice.
‘I call this meeting as there has been some startling evidence of somebody outside our reality with the gift.’
The hall filled with men and women dressed in military uniforms shouted various objections to such an outlandish claim, ‘impossible,’ shouted one ‘preposterous’ shouted another.
‘There surely must be some mistake Ohderan.’
Ohderan Raglan the old but vibrant man speaking from the centre stage, the most powerful person in this group of influential and supreme people said, ‘there is no mistake.’
‘Where does this person, this anomaly come from,’ said a woman in the crowd. ‘He comes from a reality called Earth.’
‘Earth, never heard of it,’ she responded.
The others around her looked equally perplexed.
‘Yes it is a distinctly backwater place, very primitive, which makes it all the more surprising somebody with the gift should be located there.’
‘Well what do you propose we should do, not bring this freak here surely.’
Ohderan stroked his beard, ‘I believe we should give this person, not freak as you so crudely put it the opportunity to decide whether they should like to learn our ways or not.’
‘But that would mean using the Reality Breacher once more and that has been outlawed,’ argued the crowd.
‘The Reality Breacher is a dangerous device in the wrong hands as we have all seen in the past but when used responsibly I do not see what harm it can do.’
‘This person does not even belong in this reality, what right do we have to bring them here.’
‘I disagree, I do not believe this is mere coincidence, in all the infinite realities we have never once detected anyone outside of Alderbaran with the gift and now suddenly one appears. I cannot explain it but I feel that in some inextricable way they must be linked to our reality.’
The meeting continued with the argument’s swaying back and forth until it was eventually put to the vote. Ohderan Raglan had great influence over the voters in the Soul Sentinel Council and he had never steered them wrong in the past, he was considered the most powerful SS in recent memory. When someone like Ohderan Raglan believed it was the right thing to do the other SS Council members had a tendency to agree with him, even over a situation as controversial as this.
After the votes were counted Ohderan announced, ‘right then it is agreed, we will bring this person from Earth to Alderbaran and the Reality Breacher will be brought back out of retirement.’