Translated from Urdu into English, the novel has been written with the backdrop of recent international events and ongoing political, economical and war-against-terror activities. The story includes themes covering politics, anti-terrorism and computer sciences with plenty of action, thrills and adventure too. The central plot encircles anti peace movements.
In order to prevent any personal criticism and to avoid personal blaming, I have put all characters and country names as dummy and fictitious in this novel. The main point the book is to destroy all anti peace forces in the world and to convert this into peaceful planet.
There are some Muslims scientists in all over the world who unite and create an organization named MFP, which means Men For Peace. They work hard and create revolutionary inventions in order to fight anti peace and anti Islam forces of the world.
MFP works in Zulimistan (the world super power) and convinces Zulimistan's people that Zulimistan is going to divide the world into two groups that is Islamic and anti Islamic.
And due to this division, the world peace is being destroyed by Zulimistan official's anti Islamic policies all over the world. The economy has also been destroyed by these policies.
So ZTA (Zulimistan Thinkers Association) is being made by MFP in Zulimistan.
ZTA puts case in Zulimistan Supreme Court against all Zulimistan Presidents both present and previous and also ZSFBI and ZSCIA and Army chiefs.
ZTA demands the Zulimistan Govt officials that Govt should finish its all ZSCIA and ZSFBI and army activities in all over the world. Due to burning issue of this court case, the chief justice announces that a supreme judicial council will hear the case and then decide. This supreme council comprises all chief justices of Zulimistan states ...
A meeting is going in the Green House of Zulimistan which is being presided by Zulimistan president Mr. David, and attended by Zulimistan’s Vice president, Foreign minister, defense minister, the members of Super think tank, directors of ZSFBI (Zulimistan intelligence bureau), ZSCIA (intelligence agency), delegates from congress, seniors senate members, Zulimistan Army chief, World Finance bank, World Nations Forum, the Crowngland president, and a special guest of honor, the prime minister of Zamaril.
The agenda of this important meeting comprises the following points.
1. How to destroy the militant groups in the Islamic world…?
2. How to make stronger the countries like Zulimistan, Zamaril and Crowngland…?
3. How to weaken the wealth of Islamic countries and how to
disengage Islamic countries from helping the Islamic militant groups by limiting their financial sources…?
4..How to use World Financial Bank to entangle Islamic World by offering them loans, until they would be embedded fully into endless hands of poverty…?
5. How to stop the intensity of rapidly growing Islam in Europe
and in Zulimistan and to portray Islam as a symbol of Militancy…?
Everybody is waiting eagerly for the president of Zulimistan to come for speech who is busy with someone in discussions. The awaiting people are also busy in whispering to each other. At last the announcement came signalizing the arrival of President David and as he comes, he is greeted with a thunderous applause.
He starts his speech;
“Ladies and gentlemen!, ever since the time of its creation the world has progressed to a new angle movement for the first time and in my opinion focused on one point. I welcome you all whole heartedly. You people will witness today those important decisions through which our great country will rule this universe and we deserve for it and why not, it is stony hard fact. We rule waters, undersea world, space world and we are being made to rule this world rather this universe.”
Everybody gives him a thunderous applause.
He continues his speech.
“But there are certain hurdles and the biggest of them all is Islam which is growing rapidly in Europe and Zulimistan. Then there are these rich Islamic countries which provide funds for the poor Islamic countries thus enhancing their wealth and giving new lives to them.
Moreover these rich Islamic countries are supporting those militant organizations working against our interests destroying our peace. These Islamic movements have destroyed our peace and our subjects are in great tension and anxiety. Very recently, our biggest world trade center was destroyed by these elements But you are well witness that how well we encountered them.