The Sutras can be an inspiration for anyone, regardless of belief or religion, who is interested in their own spiritual development. The Sutras of Awakening are a series of penetrating insights concerning the spiritual path. The practical aspect to these Sutras is that they can be used as potent meditation seeds to probe the depths of yourself, your being and the world. Each Sutra contains many levels of truth. As you advance so the Sutras reveal deeper insights into spiritual awakening and the nature of manifested life.
There was a nun called Chiyono who had studied Zen for many years without reaching attainment.
Then finally it happened and she was set free. To mark this occasion she wrote the well known poem ‘No Water No Moon’.
It is common for many people, after reaching this first dynamic stage of awakening, to try to capture in words something of their experience. This is natural because in the empting of the mind’s content one is acutely aware of the bliss, the aloneness, the emptiness, and the ultimate reality of everything.
The truth is that there is only one cosmic Soul in the entire multi-dimensional universe. It is not your Soul or my Soul but our collective Soul, and the true nature of that Soul is aloneness. There is only one Spirit of God and the true nature of that Spirit is emptiness and bliss. There is only God and the true nature of God is the ultimate reality of everything.
To those who actually know this, it is the cutting edge of the spiritual path.
I wrote the Sutras of Becoming during a process of integration when many insights became clearly apparent within that pure intensity of mind. Finally the turning point came and a deeper incomprehensible understanding stripped the mind of all borrowed knowledge.
My spiritual journey is a continuous process of exploration and integration, where there is no absolute state. Enlightenment is simply the opening of the mind to a greater unexplored reality. I do not claim to be or want to be a guru, master, teacher or even an authority on spiritual knowledge. However, I feel that there is a need to pass on what I have discovered. This personal interpretation of the spiritual path is freely given; make of it what you will.
If you are familiar with using Zen Koans or contemplating spiritual scriptures then the Sutra statements can be used as potent meditation seeds. These seeds can be used to probe the depths of yourself, your being and the world. Each Sutra contains many levels of truth. As you advance so the Sutras reveal deeper insights into the nature of life. For the energy of manifested life is the greatest mystery known to man.
There is also a very practical aspect to the Sutras. Each one contains an obvious and a subtle recognition for the mind to ponder on. Every recognition that is realised expands the mind in the light of awakening. This accumulative expansion of consciousness creates a greater view, which makes transcendence from the ordinary mind to the awakened mind possible. To accomplish this one needs to penetrate each Sutra by meditating on the obvious and the subtle meaning until the inner truth is revealed. Sometimes you can work on a Sutra for several days or more before the moment comes when you say ‘ah, that’s what it really means’.