The Art of Being Alive is to acknowledge that we are always whole, whether we are imperfect or perfect. Living a fulfilling life means fully inhabiting our body and experiencing living from that standpoint. This is true perfection, and when we are aware of our participation in life, we become the most beautiful accomplishment in the universe.
Living Behind Your Breath means just that, to be aware of our presence in all experiences. It's not about reaching the level of angelic light beings, as that is the home we left and will return to. Rather, this is the time to be fully conscious of our existence in the physical world, and to do so means being aware of our presence in all that we experience. This free Guide Book for personal sustainability will comfort you on your journey.
Living Behind Your Breath brings us back to an awareness of being in our body, in control of all that we do. There is no thought involved. Instead, we become aware of the glorious feeling of being alive, able to look out at the world from our heart core. It is all about knowing who is doing the looking and having the experience.
To arrive in this beautiful place, we take control of intrusive thoughts that no longer serve us and transform them into freedom to create the life we know we want and deserve. Controlling thoughts brings us back in the driving seat for moving forward with the confidence of knowing that our actions are contributing to the betterment of all.
We can achieve this by acknowledging that certain forms of anxiety suck the vital life energies out of us and because of deep rooted causes they continue to occur over and over again. But we can change that. We are about to become confidently empowered to transform non-serving thoughts into moments of presence in the calm of our Now.
These moments of presence can return the body to its natural design, which allows consciousness to rediscover the flavour of its Soul. The joy of being in harmony offers a future where consciousness and Soul are aligned as one identity. As we experience the gift of soulfulness, all our emotions, thoughts and actions become creative expressions of a balanced heart, a centered Self. Each are a gift to the world and contribute to the collective efforts to turn human focus from separateness to oneness.
Most of the inner work toward this goal has already been achieved by generations of wise elders who pioneered paths into conscious awareness.
You are being invited to adopt the simple act of using the breath for dealing with any and all challenges moving forward. It is like putting your whole pay-cheque in the bank and letting it constantly grow in value. There is no wasted energy when Living Behind Your Breath, for it all becomes part of a new Love based economy.
The Living Behind Your Breath guidebook is your copy, do chart your progress, make comments and carry it with you. It doesn’t have to be read in sequential order, just let your intuitive Self lead you through the pages. We have lots of copies for your friends who you believe may have excessive brain chatter, unwanted thoughts and generally do too much thinking. The world is engrossed in an illusionary world of thought without feelings from the heart, the Soul. This is holding the wellness paradigm from downloading solutions to important problems. So, let’s continue freeing up the global unconscious so new ideas will present themselves for the good of all.