It was with mixed feelings of anxiety, fear, excitement, anticipation, humour and disbelief people at large faced the year 2012. There seems to be no interest left in this occult subject any longer. The significance of what Mayans told has totally been lost.
According to Mayans there is a cycle of 26,000 years and according to oriental astronomy the cycle is 24,000 years. Our sun either has a binary star or orbiting around another central sun.
This free eBook is a journey to the ancient history of earth, the wisdom, knowledge and technologies of our forefathers and to a difficult future. Much of the information will be a challenge to preconditioned modern minds that are disconnected from the Nature and Universe. One day we will realize that we are one family, and we belong to a race called Humans, living and travelling on a cosmic mother ship the Earth.
Oriental astronomy as well as many modern day researchers have recognized a Binary companion star of our Sun. The Sun and the companion star orbit around each other in about 24,000 years. The Greek mythology divided this period into Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age while the Vedic writers named them as Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga. All these ages have its own impact on humanity as they come and go in cycles.
Our contemporary astronomical knowledge does not recognize this. We have no knowledge about a Binary companion star nor do we know about a Central star “Alcyone”. Ancient astronomers believed the precision of the Equinox is due to a companion star of our Sun. Copernicus assumed the precision of Equinox is due to Earth's wobbling. Later Sir Isaac Newton applied his theory of gravity to the idea of a wobbling Earth, known as Luni Solar theory which is also debated. It is time that we realize that this subject is very serious and we need to look for the real reason behind the precession of the Equinox.
We do have ancient records of cycles of past destruction. Many religions and ancient prophecies talk about a final destruction with no specific dates. There are ancient and modern predictions. All predictions point to environmental problems for Earth and not the physical destruction of Earth. The Mayan prophecy clearly states that the last date of the calendar marks the end of time. They called it a “time of no time” and we will be entering into higher dimensions.
This small eBook is a journey to our distant past and to our possible future. Much of the information in this book will be a challenge to preconditioned modern minds that are totally disconnected from the Nature and the Universe. Such a mental state is not anyone’s mistake. We have been taught and trained to become like that. Time has now come to take our destiny on our hands and change our treads. This eBook might help you to embark in that direction. May be one day we all will realize that we are one family, and we all belong to a race called Humans, living and travelling on a cosmic mother ship called the Earth. This realization will galvanize our collective consciousness and we will then be able to resolve all our self-made problems.
I place this book at the feet of all those ancient civilizations from world over who had this great knowledge and universal vision and persevered it for us to inherit it today.