New age (or newage as is sometimes written) is a genre that is mix of belief systems that came into the mainstream from the 1970s onwards. It covers various distinct areas – New age religion, spirituality, astrology, tarot, runes, metaphysics, esoterics, reincarnation, lucid dreaming, NDEs, extraterrestrial life, alternative medicine and healing. There are some crossovers with mind, body and spirituality books. The free pdf books available here on obooko cover a variety of topics and a few that are available to give you an idea of how diverse are:
Reincarnation and the Law of Karma gets deep into the topic of rebirth and how our understanding of reincarnation has changed throughout history and also how culture and religion can affect how we view things. Reincarnation is an area where new age thinking and religion cross over as some of the “traditional” religions have reincarnation as part of their belief.
Past Life Tourism is another book that would be worth reading after understanding some more about reincarnation. It shares stories of people who claim to have lived a past life and even explains techniques that can help you access your own memories of previous lives. Maybe you were a powerful statesman in the middle ages or a soldier in a civil war or perhaps in the English aristocracy.
Weird Beliefs pulls together a plethora of different things that humans from around the world believe in that you won’t find discussed at your local Church. Want to get more info on Satanism or Zombies or Snake Handlers? You can find some interesting facts about what strange and weird things people have as a religion.
Nostradamus and his predictions of war and apocalyptic destruction of the earth have been fascinating for many years as he seems to have got so many things right. The book Nukes and Nostradamus on obooko discusses the detail of some of his predictions that have some true and what might happen next. Unfortunately, it seems to be all death and destruction but being better informed means you should be better prepared.
If the apocalypse is a little too depressing, then check out Dream Interpretations which provides a guide to what dreams really mean. It’s a fascinating area of study and may help explain what some of the weird things we dream about are trying to tell us. Sorting out thoughts or predicting the future? Or going on strange out of body journeys?
You will find books on astrology and the zodiac, a very popular way to make sense of people and our place in the universe. Something that we are all superficially familiar with but unlikely to know much detail. There is more to the subject than the daily horoscope in the newspaper.
You can find the whole mix of new age books at obooko so whatever area you are interested in there is something to choose. Even if you think that new-age beliefs are mumbo jumbo, getting free pdf downloads is a good way to open your mind to new thinking. Maybe you’ll be investing in some crystals very soon.
All titles in this category are legally licensed for free download in PDF ePub, & Kindle Formats.