A free ebook on developing psychic abilities, designed for everyone without regard to their belief system, including tips, tricks, techniques and exercises anyone can do from the privacy of their own home to develop and strengthen their psychic abilities.
Before we can begin discussing how to develop your psychic abilities, we need to set a good working definition of what psychic abilities are. Sadly, the answer to that question tends to depend on who you ask, because almost everyone has their own ideas about what they are.
For our purposes however, we need to make sure that everyone is on the same page, so let's delve a little deeper into its meaning.
There are those that will say psychic abilities are nothing more than a theatrical performance, put on as entertainment for those that attend. Others see them as nothing more than fiction from the minds of some of the great fiction authors. These two groups of people probably have not taken the time to actually study the field as there is simply too much evidence that supports the existence of psychic abilities, to simply dismiss them as wishful thinking.
Still others believe as this author does, that psychic abilities are an as yet, unperfected ability that is 100% natural to mankind and a gift from God. It is truly on of those situations where is you ask 100 different people to define psychic abilities and you will get 100 different answers.
For the purposes of this book, we define psychic abilities as "receiving information in a way that is beyond the normally accepted physical senses of seeing, feeling, touching and tasting".
Obviously that is a fairly broad definition and could cover a lot of territory, yet to try to pin it down any further requires us to leave out one or more of the many ways in which psychic abilities have been known to manifest.
There are people who will not be satisfied with any definition until we can say with 100% accuracy where psychic abilities come from. They see the terms God and/or nature as being too broad or in an unacceptable way.
here they come from does not matter because no one can prove their source any more than we can prove whether or not there is intelligent life on other planets. Known evidence seems to point to their existence just like with psychic abilities, but there is no 100% proof positive.
Some say there is proof that psychic abilities do not exist because no one has been able to measure how they work and in test situations, most people fail to perform.