Talks for Humans of every persuasion. An Unavoidable Conclusion About Us.
Modern civilization is the mechanism or machinery of our own chosen demise as all-flounders at once; so this involves you too.
A self, behind the eye, or "i" of each emanates from the same; appreciate and enhance what we evolved into being from...
Modern Humanity does not deserve relentless pleasuring of or for a few; of our own…Especially when and clearly at the expense of most people and most significantly all else that actually and literally gives our opportunity…as a species…
We need to individually enable our collective’s rehabilitation, not further fund dysfunction and blindly function on behalf of what still causes all to become so far off of life’s acceptable course...
These subjects, discussions and a potential of symbiotic contentment offered here; are public domain…Any may copy and further pass these sentiments on, at no profit. Any that wish to render this way in or into another language may do so at no profit.
The thoughts presented are my views…Based on experience, perception, and time spent amongst those these observations are given unto. No other, or no thing, is to be blamed, held accountable, or indeed harmed, because of what I suggest.
Though it remains doubtless these words, concepts and clarifications; substantially defy humanity’s hierarchy…by exploring the validity of our claims to be godlike beings and in fact debunking most credence given to worldly folklore…This seeks-not to create or attract unrest or violent retort. Such would not bring benefit.
Furthermore…our common enemy is nostalgia for or continuing to covet; what brought humanity to our state of demise…A now commonly shared predicament, all within human kind...find our souls within… One shared demeanor, which clearly demands; that most stand still and step back from humanities' now unanimous inevitability…Or few and perhaps none will survive...
This puts forth that the only saviour, as a species, is overall behavior…it is the same for all species seeking to establish humble interdependence with and within, the underlying nature of what we were born of...No matter where any stand or are otherwise convinced to have faith, belief, trust or hope in...
The individual sense of being or awareness behind the eye, or differently said, "i" of each... emanates from the same place...All evolving beings must exist through universal conscientiousness... No symbol, symbolism, society, venture or tender, has meaning before this... This currency is the only one acceptable in life's economy, whether any comprehend of the whole sum...or not…