A fictional writer, Myrtin shares his thoughts in the deepest form hoping to altering the world on mind-ing crepuscule. His deepest thoughts are blunt and sensible at the same. Enjoy the lecture!
Round and round the clockwise direction
The momentum impressed by forces on you
Are to be integrated into subliminally processing
Of remembrance
Documented to be on important issues
Concerning human condition and
Self preservation of
Individual thinking
Intermediate looking on memento
Loosen tight on respire of
Taken into adjoin in
Irresistible on idiosyncrasies of the World
I never imagined but possible after
Few loops on infinity
Of Others
Revelations on subjects never reaching
The ultimate prayers to the
Doom of resistance with
Broken apart by difference in speaking
Found in a wood of unknown sensations
Lost in the night of dread
Its evening … also in Myrtin’s mood. The winter remains
on the streets odor and chill. The reality is complied with
natural phenomena of trustiness.
Cognitive essentials in dooming are arrested to final
quarters for paying providence to the encounter. Doubling
the rate of interest will subdue an emotional response of
great import for welfare of the industry.
Irrationality in terms of conducting experiments on
humans altering their consciousness will induce a state of
tremor for all states implicated in this. Responsible will
face a menace of exponential power of earthlings in the
form and substance of inducement the Negativity.
Equivocal encounters of negativity in its owning belonging
to masters of mind and alteration of perceived into wild
untamed shouting. Disguise in spite of everything will
conduct to better conceivable of instructiveness emaciating
the figures of oldies