Expression is the seed-bed of joy which cultivates happiness that drives us to the realm of ultimate celebration. The poem illuminates people how diligence grew hearted fully down the order of civilization. This anthology 'Enthralling Poems' reveals the taste of love, the nature of birth and decay, the heart and beauty of nature, the fate of mankind and the blessings of life. It also has the idolization of human achievements and shows the purpose of human existence.
The poems may not be of profound instinct yet it plants the gene of enjoyment at its embryonic phase. The fertility of the pieces is privileged to reap the mortal life with witty flowers and fruits. As good begets good, the sovereignty of mind relies on how we instinctively feel and explore the treasure of man-environment rapport. The generality of the piece depicts how typical phenom-enon works with similar cause and effect as 'Enthralling Poems' seeks to entertain the witty human soul out of unexplored meta-cognition. It salutes the most rhythmic number, tuning unsung love and memories. The piece leaves us the most delicious bliss which symbolizes the charm of social and natural expression.
Dewy Life
The curtain opens with infancy and closes at the uncertain age,
Every second clothes the rainbows of three stages,
Fades and melts like a morning dew.
The enactor performs every task of fabulous heroes,
Never to re enter and replay
Thus reincarnates beyond the threshold of a new realm.