A free poetry book containing verse on mainly spiritual and mental health themes.
The Highest Perch
You’ll meet few vegetarians at church.
Humanity must have the highest perch.
Christmas without dead turkey would be odd.
Thou shalt kill for a pie from Sweeney Todd.
Want Biblical proof? We can grant your wish:
Jesus fed the five thousand with dead fish.
Let’s empty every ocean of its cod.
Thou shalt kill for a pie from Sweeney Todd.
“All Things Bright and Beautiful”, they’re singing.
I enjoy the sound of church bells ringing,
But what have churches got to do with God –
When thou shalt kill for a pie from Sweeney Todd?
Spiritual Peace
I find my place of spiritual peace
Again, just when I feel I never will.
There is a sense of freedom and release.
I can’t know all the answers, but am still
In touch with The Divine, and that is real.
We’re all connected. Life is precious, and
Life doesn’t end with death. Sometimes we feel
A presence, and we come to understand
That nobody who’s ever been has gone.
They will protect us – help us to go on.
There is almost a beauty in the pain.
Although sometimes I find it hard to trust,
Truth’s constant. Feel the patterns in the rust.
What the Hell to do to help the bloody person.
Alternative CV
I’ve tried to earn a living. What a joke.
Had fewer breaks because I would not smoke.
I’ve typed too many lists of license plates,
And been in a few paralytic states.
I’ve tried to operate a fax machine.
I have become addicted to caffeine.
I’ve pretended not to hear a phone
At five to five; I know I’m not alone.
I have been very bored, and felt depressed.
I fear that you may not be too impressed
By my honesty. That is just too bad.
This poem may not please my mum and dad.
I have been stressed out over a deadline.
I have known that I really shouldn’t whine –
But still ended up moaning, anyway.
I’ve felt sick just looking at my In-tray.