An openness of self in the present finds language not as simply transparent and instrumental but as a necessity of the world at large—an obstacle as well as an advantage. It would be as much philosophical nonsense, however, to say that language precedes the world as it would be to say (as Wittgenstein so thoroughly deconstructed) that the world precedes language. Enter the second obsession of the critics of our work: the use of a language that is not immediately apparent as speech. By fully semanticizing the so-called nonsemantic features of language, gen20 creates a dialectic of the recuperable & the unreclaimable, where what cannot be claimed is nonetheless most manifest. Nude in an Equatorial Jungle is a tour of the process of navigating the realms of experimentation, witness, and critique, an invitation to participatory poetic locution. You, as reader, are given the gift of transience.
From the book:
Sublime Bombastic
With a distorted nose
Black eyes and jetty hair
As will constitute
The merit and beauty
Of arrangement
From a variety of backgrounds
The innovator
Cannot garner support
Must embrace one and reject another Abstruse subjects
New invented terms
Constantly controlled
By software