The Rise of the Insane State - What is Happening to the U.S. Economy?
Each day when Americans awaken, our laws, rules, and regulations grow and become more complex. Thus, each passing the day, the government becomes bigger and more monstrous. Unfortunately, taxes and incarceration rates rise along with the expansion of government. However, government cannot continuously grow at the expense of the economy. A capitalistic country reaches a breaking point, when the economy starts to break down and stagnates. Then a stagnating economy becomes a very dangerous time, because government claims...
Since the dawn of civilization, humans gazed upward into the stars and heavens to search for the almighty God. God is the all-powerful being, who is the grand architect of the universe and created all life on Earth. From the heavens, God keeps a watchful eye over his creation. Men and women kneel down before God, and silently whisper prayers. The people hope God is listening. That God will intervene in their lives, and answer their prayers with miracles.
Another powerful entity exists in society, and lies at heart of our civilization. This entity is the second most influential force in nature. The answer should not surprise you, because that entity is government. A government has the immense power over its people. A government can imprison or execute its citizens, expropriate property, or send its army and navy to invade another country. A government intervenes in the daily lives of its citizens. It imposes laws, rules, and regulations over everyone in its domain, and collects taxes from its citizens. No other entity in our society has that power.
People place too much faith in their government. They ask government officials and the politicians to save them, make our society better off, or correct an injustice. Unfortunately, our political leaders and government officials are happy to comply. Now, all levels of government in the United States meddle in all society's affairs. Our government literally shackled all our businesses, industries, and markets with numerous and confusing laws, regulations, and taxes.
The U.S. economy appears to be stuck, and mired in a perpetual recession. The unemployment rate is frozen at nearly 10%, and experts are predicting a new recession for 2012. Many Americans believe capitalism failed them. Our political leaders are in a state of denial, and they keep fueling the size of our government. They refuse to bring government spending in line with revenues, or reign in their crazy rules and regulations. They believe government must step in order to stop the economic decline.
Government is not a savior, and a government solution could never work. Only the American people can lift themselves out of this perpetual depression. However, Americans first need to remove the shackles of government control.
The one premise you will get from this book that it may not be a good idea to keep expanding government. Government can do great things, but it can blunder badly too. Although government is a necessary evil, a large government creates many more problems than what it solves. Instead, government should encourage people to be entrepreneurs, and work hard to lift themselves up. People should not depend on government for their livelihood and salvation.
The solution to our perpetual recession is very easy, and entails two parts. First, keep the size of government the smallest as possible with limited power. An expanding government always creates more problems than what it solves. Each chapter in this book hones in this simple fact. Second, religion is a critical component of society. Religions always impose constraints on human behavior. They are a source of values, morals, and ethics; furthermore, many religions espouse hard work and family values. If 99% of the population followed these religious precepts, then society functions by itself without the guiding hand of government. People with strong pious values do not need government watching over them and meddling in their affairs. Thus, society runs itself.
Also by Kenneth R. Szulczyk on obooko:
The Big Adventure in Little Bosnia
The Second American Revolution