This book is an attempt to provide respectful criticism of the Bible. Comparison with the Holy Quran is the basis of my criticism.
I believe that many parts of the Bible have been changed. This book is a humble attempt from me to criticize the Bible. Many writers and thinkers tried to criticize the Bible. I can’t say that I’m the best. But I think that my style is different.
Comparison with the Holy Quran is the basis of my criticism. Non-Muslims may argue that they don’t believe in the Holy Quran. And here is the theme. I say: “This is the changed Bible and this is the Holy Quran. I invite you to read, use your mind, think, rethink and decide for yourself.”
This is volume one. I hope that I will be able to complete this project. I hope that the next volumes will be better.
N.B. We Muslims believe that Moses and The Christ - may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon them - are the prophets of the God. We Muslims love Moses and the Christ. I myself love Moses and the Christ more than many Christians and Jews. We Muslims believe that the Old Testament and the New Testament are books of the God. But some followers of Moses and the Christ changed them. In the unchanged Bible, Moses and the Christ invited their followers to follow Muhammad or Ahmed – may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him - when he appears.