Jesus says: "To this end I was born, and for this cause I came into the world: that I should bear witness to the truth. Every one who is of the truth hears my voice."
The way we are 'of the truth' is understand, believe and live the gospel of Jesus that he says we must believe (Mark 1:15). This book presents the PARABLES OF JESUS, that he used to explain his doctrine (Mark 4:2). Plus the three main letters of the Apostle Paul about the gospel.
To hear the voice of Jesus, his Father’s voice, and the Holy Spirit, we must learn to think like they think. If someone talks about football, and someone else talks about baseball, they won’t connect very well. So it is with God. So we must get on the frequency God is on to relate to him well. It’s about being tuned into the same radio station. If you listen to an AM channel and God is speaking on FM radio you’ll miss him.
Law-produces guilt and it voids God’s grace. The gospel is grace, producing our righteousness.
This booklet is that forsaking and repenting of other beliefs, and letting the gospel of Jesus to be planted deep in your heart. It will allow you to hear God’s voice much more often and more clearly.
God’s thoughts are in his gospel because he told his Son Jesus to tell us to only believe and live his gospel, and to forsake all other beliefs. This was the first thing he said in his ministry (Mark 1:14-15). If it was so important to them to be the first thing said, it should also be very important to us too.