Two scientists from Earth discover how to make a worm hole within minutes of a global nuclear attack. After fleeing through the wormhole, they discover entirely new sensations. Whith the scientific knowledge of earth, and the ability to use spiritual energy to affect the world around them, the scientists create a paradise for the human inhabitants; until they disagree on the form of governing ...
It was a cold spring morning in the mountain city of Chasel Ri’ Aven. The leaves were just beginning to bud on the trees that lined the wide streets of the large city. Large granite buildings that towered three stories into the air surrounded the trees. The mountain city had the appearance of a city that had been planned before the construction began, with small gardens scattered throughout the streets that intersected regularly to form a large grid.
The city itself was alive and bustling with activity as gardeners made their way to the Rajan Gardens outside of the large granite walls that enclosed the city. Throughout the centuries, the gardeners had learned that the garden was much more submissive in the early morning hours.
In a small meadow outside of the city walls, a young man of medium height was idly leaning against a lone, dead pine tree as he read from a large leather-bound book. He had the lean build of an energetic person. He wore black trousers with a grey shirt laced up to his chin and soft leather boots that ended halfway up his calves, both of which were adorned with a large dagger. His blue eyes had an intelligent light burning in them, giving his well-defined features an aura of intensity. His short, brown hair was slightly curly with just a hint of blonde scattered throughout the top.
The sound of approaching voices drifted down one of the many paths that led to the small clearing. Celdic sighed, placing a bookmark on the page that he had been reading and regretfully closed the book. Given half the chance, Celdic would spend the rest of his life studying every book that he could lay his hands on.
Celdic watched the well-traveled dirt path that descended from the mountainside to the east expectantly as the voices grew louder. He could recognize his sister's tone, and guessed that Cha'le was arguing with Lendel. From the time that he had learned to walk, he and Lendel had done everything together, half of the time accompanied by their sisters. When all four of them were together, the neighboring farms usually kept a sharp eye out for the mischief that was sure to come. Cha'le was perhaps the most compulsive mischief-maker that the mountain people had ever seen, finding the most creative and unexpected opportunities for trouble. Lendel's sister, Li, was the only one that had any control over her when she was at her worst.
As the three figures rounded a corner in the path, Celdic saw Cha'le and Lendel walking next to each other, with Li following closely behind. Cha'le had the face of an angel, both beautiful and completely without guile, a feature she used to her utmost advantage. She was slightly taller than Celdic, a fact she loved to point out. Her slender build gave her an almost fragile look, though no one who knew her would describe her as delicate. Her long honey-blonde hair flowed down the front of each shoulder. She wore the same clothes as Celdic, as well as Li and Lendel. She had spent the night at Li's house, claiming she needed extra practice quieting her yar, something Li had developed to a science. Celdic knew it was only an excuse to spend more time with Lendel. The two of them had grown very close throughout the past year, to the point they were almost inseparable. Lendel was almost Celdic's opposite, standing a head taller with broad shoulders that were at least an axe-handle across. He had light-colored hair that reached mid-back and blue eyes that were already wrinkled with laugh lines. Though he affected not to notice, most of the girls their age were completely besotted with him. He had a strong chin framed by high cheekbones. His cheekbones accentuated a broad smile that was almost always on his face. He was without peer on the combat field, with the exception of Celdic. The two of them had spent their youth dreaming of being Guardians and they had learned everything they thought would help them be selected when the time came.