Prelude To A Golden Age presents, through a story about an android invasion of earth, a philosophy ideally suited to the challenges of today. This philosophy, developed out of Jane Roberts' Seth material and Taoism, is based on two revolutionary and liberating ideas: God is in the world, and we create our experiences through our thoughts, beliefs, and expectations.
Later that night, after pulling the power cord to his computer out of the wall socket, Paul sat down at the desk in his study to complete what he had been working on before dinner:
My name is Paul Heart II. I am writing this for future generations. I hope these notes will survive even if something happens to me. I suspect that my computer is being scanned and my web cam is being watched, so I must write secretly and by hand.
There are aliens among us openly for the first time in recorded history. Aliens had come to earth in the past, and most recently in the last century, but that fact was concealed by the governments of the United States and the other Security Council members. Two months ago they came in a huge spaceship for the whole world to see. Their ship first appeared in the sky above Israel and then slowly moved over the Middle East to China, Korea, and Japan. It then reversed direction and flew over Russia and Europe before crossing the Atlantic Ocean and stopping above New York City.
The day after they arrived in New York, they came down in a shuttlecraft to the UN. To the dismay of some, these aliens looked human. There were no hideous creatures with flailing tentacles among them.
At a special session of the General Assembly the following week, they showed us some of their advanced technology and promised to help us solve our problems, but on one condition: We had to set up a world government. They said it would be easier for them to work with one government than with many different governments. Many people have been hostile to this idea, but the United Nations has been engaged in negotiations to try to work out an agreement, for the earth is in dire straits.
No respected scientist denies any longer that global warming is occurring or that man is at least partially responsible. The “Snows of Kilimanjaro” is now only a Hemingway short story, due to the higher temperatures around the world. The ice caps of Greenland and the Antarctic and the other glaciers around the world are melting and coastal areas are starting to go underwater. And weather patterns are becoming more and more unstable. Droughts and floods and storms are not only more common now, but also more devastating.
We have other problems besides global warming. Every year millions of people die from pollution-related diseases. And because the world’s population continues to increase and the standard of living in developing nations like China and India continues to improve, the pressure on the environment is growing, which will lead to more pollution and destruction of forests and species.
So, even though we could use some help (and I and other scientists would love to get our hands on their technology), I must report that, unfortunately, the aliens’ intentions are not altruistic, as they would like us to believe. I was the first human to learn this for a fact. How did I learn this before anyone else? I was befriended by one of them, who took me into his confidence at great personal risk. He not only revealed to me the true purpose of their coming, but gave me another startling piece of information: He and the other aliens seen by the people of earth are not the real invaders. The real invaders have stayed on their spaceship to avoid frightening us.