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This free ebook explores forbidden math operations, zero, infinity, and proposes new ways to view current mathematics. It relates mathematics to nature.
Imagine you are a racecar driver. You must tune your engine for the big race. Unfortunately, you only have a little air in your tires. You may be able to start the race, and even make a few laps. But ... eventually, time will take its toll and it will become impossible to win the race. Currently, math can describe many interesting characteristics of our world, but when it comes to certain operations it simply crashes and burns.
What is the state of math today? Incomplete.
The purpose of this ebook is to take you, the reader, on a journey. You will see that math is not just numbers.
Math is everything.
But, how can that be true, how can math be everything? It's not like there a math program running the universe? What am I saying? Math can be found in nature over and over, at all levels. The same fundamental mathematical constants appear all over the world around us. From the behavior of an atom, to the structure of a nautilus shell, to the hurricane over Iceland (shown in book), all the way to the formation of a galaxy, we can't hide from the same sightings.
At the core of mathematics, there is logic. Our own sense of logic has helped us define the rules of mathematics. Therefore, if our logic is flawed in any way, we will propagate this mistake through our rules in mathematics.
Where do we get our sense of logic? We based our rules of logic on our own experiences. We believe that the logic that governs the universe is represented in mathematics. These rules governing the universe are the same logic we try to capture in mathematics. For example, if I give you an apple and you already have one apple, you have two apples. This logic is captured well in our current system of mathematics.
However, in the last century, we have noticed a lot of counter-intuitive behavior when scientists first began to study the macro and micro scale (large galaxies and tiny atomic behavior). For example, when we first discovered that supermassive black holes, it was very difficult to even comprehend how that could be possible.
Regardless of how strange we discover our universe to be, we must make sure that mathematics captures the logic of our entire universe at all scales. It is imperative that we use a system of mathematics that can be applied to accounting, physics, biology, and even consciousness; the fact that there exist self- aware beings.
Now, this seems like a tall order! But, there has already been a lot of progress in extending mathematics. Unfortunately, some concepts in mathematics are still taboo such as discussing the possibility of dividing by zero. Still, just recently, there have been a handful of mathematicians, like Jacob Czajko, that have come to the realization that we must explore previously forbidden operations in mathematics, such as division by zero, before we can fully unlock the mysteries of our universe.
I personally call the idea of redefining zero…