This ebook tells the story of a boy who is a bit of a loner at school. His home life is also a bit in tatters since his mum died.
The book takes up the story when he discovers something in the woods, near where he lives. Little does he know where his discovery will take him, but the title of the book gives you an idea. What will he find there? Will he still be alone?
The bell sounding in the corridor, is at once the welcome indication that the day's torture is over and at the same time, an warning that other trials are about to begin; well at least for Paul it is. Paul both likes and hates school. The science and technology lessons are interesting, the maths on occasions can be interesting, but as for the rest, Paul had no interest in nouns, adjectives, past rulers trials and tribulations or come to that the materials that make the local hills as distinctive as they are. Then there are the school bullies. These guys have less interest than Paul, in learning stuff, even if some of it could be useful to them, when it comes to their turn to leave school and get a job. Their favourite pursuit, seemed to be the making of others lives as much of a misery as possible. They took great delight in getting out of the classroom as quickly as possible and waiting for their victims outside the school and intercepting them before they got to the bus or gate. Then threaten the individuals, in order to extract some money, goods or even some completed homework, that has not been handed in yet.
On this occasion Paul is quick off the mark, having entered the classroom last, he had found himself sitting right near the door, so when the bell sounded, Paul had his books packed away in double quick time and was out through the door before the usual suspects, even had the chance to leave their desks. Paul heard the teacher remark, “Keen tonight aren't we Simpkins?”
Paul did not pause, he had a goal and that was to get as far away as possible before being challenged and held to ransom by the 'big four' as they liked themselves to be known. Paul reaches the gate so early his heart skips a beat as he sees that it is still closed, he hopes, he hopes..... yes the caretaker is there unlocking the shiny new padlock, the third fitted this term. No doubt this one will find itself also being forcefully removed, as had the previous ones. Despite increased police patrols, the school authorities had not found out who the mysterious padlock removers were. Paul arrives at the gate panting and wheezing, as if he had just run a marathon.
The caretaker, slowly removes the padlock and slides the lock mechanism back. Its almost as if he's in league with the big four, as if he's being deliberately slow.
Paul nervously looks around himself, no sign yet of the four, but they'll be here any moment. “Come on!” Paul mutters under his breath, as if it will encourage the caretaker to speed up.
The caretaker smiles and asks, “In a hurry to get home young man?”
“You could say that.” replies Paul.
“It's OK for some, I still got to stay around here until five.” says the caretaker.
Paul thinks to himself, 'the fact that you've probably done nothing much all day, I suppose counts for nothing.' Paul had seen the caretaker several times during the day, he had been sitting and reading a book in his garden, which is next to the playground. Paul replies, “Yeah life is tough eh, I got stacks of homework to do before I can do anything else. Me Dad insists.”
The caretaker pauses a moment in thought, as he remembers the joys of homework. He hated it in his day. He replies, “Yeah that's tough after a day of lessons and I've heard they give you far more these days than they gave us.”
Paul suggests, “Sounds like we should form a mutual appreciation society.”
The caretaker is not sure if this young man is being sarcastic or if he means what he has just said. Giving him the benefit of doubt, he swings the gate open and says, “Good night and good luck.”