Can two people meet half way when they are on different sides of polarized politics?
Ted and Frank Mueller founded the town of Mulberry to be segregated by political parties. Jake grew up in Red State and finds himself irresistibly attracted to Melissa, who lives in Blue State. They find mutual ground of respect and work to bring their friends and family into an enlightened united world.
“All of us consume oil. We’re all partially to blame for the gulf spill.” Jake accused and his Red Team cheered. He tried not to let it go to his head but it was hard. Since opening statements he had taken a commanding lead, which was unexpected given his competition.
“Hardly. That only makes us responsible for demand and not the neglect of BP or the US government.” Melissa repeated and the Blue Team nodded approvingly. “Over a hundred and fifty million gallons of oil has polluted the gulf coast.”
Recycling earlier statements was a good sign. She had run out of arguments and for some reason, couldn’t twist his remarks like she often did. Perhaps she found him attractive and he was dazzling her with his charms. His mind wondered what it would be like to date a Blue Girl and then he remembered he hadn’t won yet. “If BP’s neglect was the fault, why would the government be culpable?”
“Because they are too lax on drilling regulations.” She pouted her enticing lips. Focus! His inner ego demanded of his inner id. “Then why is BP negligent if they were within legal boundaries?” More accolades were expressed from the Red Team, who was more charged to support their contender. Actually, they were getting obnoxious for his taste but what could he do? To be fair, they didn’t get the upper hand often and the novelty was thrilling.
“They each share roles in this disaster.” Melissa was exasperated.
They were going in circles and Mr. Harding wasn’t interfering to get them moving forward. Their teacher was content to let them circle the bush. Melissa was taking it personally. Mr. Harding’s views were in line with hers and therefore she expected him to forgo his usual Jake favoring.
He did not. Jake never understood why he was the exception on the Red Team. It was out of his control and generally he appreciated it. Looking at the flustered raven-haired beauty, he felt guilty.
“And both are reacting to the demands of the consumer.” Jake closed his notes overly confident the debate had run its course. It was tactical to shake up Melissa more so they could finish and he could tell her she did great.
Unfortunately the Red Team followed his lead and packed up their supplies. It was disruptive. Mandy was especially blatant in her actions. She smiled at him and he withheld an eye roll.
Melissa glared. He gulped. He imagined her thoughts. “Look at Mr. Perfect. He never loses. Sure that was helpful when they debated other schools but annoying to no end in class. His conceit knew no end.” Melissa didn’t care for him and sadly that made her more appealing.