A new divine life theology that encompasses the principles and belief of Humanity and how precious life is that is what Humanetics is about. Just look at this world it’s in the worst state it’s ever been and the situation is getting worse all the time, we have lost our humanity over time and this has led to this Planet being plundered to levels that it might never recover from. Look what we have done to the animals and plants and insects on this planet due to our greed extinction is steadily on the increase. The great minds of our time have already said very soon we will have it find another planet to live in. But I’m telling you now there is still time available now take a stand and become part of the solution, it’s time to make a difference, take stand. Don’t you want to see a planet where everything has a right to life and where future generations prosper? If you do then Humanetics is for you.
Since the consciousness of man, there has been an eternal search to find the God or Gods element, theism, and polytheism has formed the soul of belief within mankind. If we look at powerful civilizations of times gone by the Egyptians, The Romans, The Spartans, The Aztecs, The Mayans, The Vikings and so the list goes on, Gods were always prayed to and in many cases offerings and sacrifices were made, some being basic in the forms of fruit and animals and some gruesome in forms of human sacrifices.
Mankind was always trying to appease the Gods and would go to any lengths to do so. Many of the cultures turned to the Sun, The Moon, and the Stars, while others named their Gods according to love, war, fertility, the sea and so on. The Gods always varied according to the culture and to what purpose the God or Gods served; they defied our imaginations and were larger than life on any scale imaginable. But why did mankind always look to Gods? Why did we need to see ourselves as lesser beings that were created by a superior being or beings? Have you ever stopped to think about that? I certainly have thought about that. Have we been justified in doing that? As time went by, those Gods faded away and new Gods were sought out, are we repeating a pattern here where in time the religions that we know today might be gone and be replaced by other religions. If we look at history that could be a possibility. If we look at mankind can we say for sure that we have truly found what we have been looking for, have you found what you have been looking for or do you still think there must be a better way or system of belief? We are caught up in this eternal search where we want to know who we are and what purpose do we serve. If I have to ask you what would be your greatest purpose in life? What would you say, just take the time to look at yourself, your surroundings and the world and I’m sure you will be able to see that purpose.