This book goes to reveal about the fact of numbers which are ruling in your life based on the astrological science called Numerology. Numerology is a wonderful Science OF NUMBERS. It is a cosmic Science, which reveals, the hidden mysteries of numbers. Its origin can be traced to earlier times, when a person first began to identify various causes, in his immediate behaviour, environment, and his nature of controlling over his temperament. Research and deep studies done in the past have revealed that every number has a different characteristic and has different occult significance with very specific power. This power of difference in numbers has reflected not only a distinctive character on the basis of their qualities, with the cosmic force, and influencing the laws of nature by governing them in different ways.
The commencement begins with NUMBER ONE, indicating a powerful dynamic force, and great abilities over everything. These are followed by number 2, 3, 4 and 0. This zero number has not been assigned any distinct role, but in association with other numbers it does play an important part. As anything multiplied by zero becomes zero. There are various types of numbers. These are called Birth Numbers (the prime number), the LUCKY Numbers, the Year Numbers and the Name Numbers. As such there are also the House Numbers, the Vehicle numbers, your Telephone Numbers etc.
Now these different numbers of an individual when vibrates and influences well, life becomes much more interesting and fruitful for the person.
Name number is the number obtained from the addition of all the alphabets in our name, which is further divided into various other types of numbers such as, Personality Number and Destiny Number and Ambition Number. Number 7 are great visualizers, thinkers and philosophers. Number 9 is highly suitable for politics as it confers qualities of aggressive approach dynamism, and good organization capacity. It often makes them courageous and fearless. Though number 9 natives tend to face difficulties and hassles initially but later on, by their own persistent and hard work, they can ensure success and often hit the target and become head-liners. Numbers 1 and 9 are more stable, strong than number 7. People with number 7 are more comfortable with regards to their religion and their Religious and spiritual matter and have the capability of preserving and strengthening their cultural heritage, but on the face of it, this number is full of uncertainties, tribulations, dirty and foul play.
Whereas, number 7 is good on the spiritual world, number 9 happens to be a top number on the materialistic world and is good for great success on the political front. Number 9 has qualities of diplomacy, tact, ability to take the masses which is inbuilt in them, among the weaker sections of society. Number 9 people feel restless when their leadership is questioned.
But once their leadership is well established, they march easily to their road to victory. When any one changes his name, a grand new set of cosmic vibrations start influencing his luck and fortune. These have tremendous impact on all aspects of his life. Whereas it is often said, that when a lady changes, her first name, after her Marriage her style life and fortune too takes a new turn.