Obscuring meaning in the name of clarity and the obscurity that occurs when language is pushed to its limits; the brash vanities drive his realism, reimagined, reinvented, remodeled, rebooted, and then recontrived, the same way that the ancients rebuilt their cities on top of the ruins of what once was. Inish’s work is as unsettling and resistant to habitual comprehension as the ambiguous vanishing vowel, the misplaced and replaced consonant and similarly raises questions about the nature of perception. Like Beckett, inish challenges his reader/audience . . . to consider what is fundamental, presence or absence.
From the book:
influential group selection arguments
feed mother
lactating or not
& to feed her children
was four-years
benefits to the group or population
must generally override
natural birth intervals
that maximized a mother’s likely number of surviving off-spring
selection on individuals
& child development
invited NBJ to visit him in the field
to explore in central Australia
observing Alyawarra foraging
his well-worn copy
a pontoon of skinny dogs
their mutual interest in child behavior