Lamentations is a poetry collection with themes based on war, disunity, death, hatred, insecurity, anger and pain.
A poem from the book:
My ancestors!
We've destroyed our homes
Tamed our culture
Sold our wealth
Gambled our health
Exchanged our conscience
We're like bad lawyers
Bathing dust
Our crude caked
Pain growing on our farms
Grasses have grown in my pots
Chaffs for breakfast
Mucor for dinner
At noon I fast
I have a husband
Yet I'm a widow
With my hair shaved
No shelter to cover my nakedness
Nor roof to cloth my breast
My melanin has gone dim
The sun has forgotten my day
The moon absents my night of plight
I no longer wonder what the twinkle little stars are
The waxless candle have become my chief mourner
The cloud sending her condolences as rain
"Oh, my beloved home!
I weep so our children could laugh
I murmur so our children could sing
I was living,
Now I’m merely existing"
For this is the song of a sad black woman
Living at home yet far from home.