This book is written for all souls caged in flesh, called humans, to enlighten them about the world before they came into existence. To show them the reality of spirits' world, their division and what necessitated the bringing of humans into existence by the Almighty Spirit. Since the caging of the Soul in flesh, the eyes of ordinary humans can no longer see the many spirits that follows each person to cause them good luck or misfortunes.
Maybe there are already rebels against Lucifer among his loyal spirits, but for now there are two spiritual families and several tribes of each. Humans are divided between the families under different tribes. There are two categories of humans running in the middle. They are the Deceived who are faithful to a particular but wrong path. And secondly, the Confused who believes to unite the spirits' families by mixing their practices and ordinances together. The middle ground is a sinking sand, sinking into the deep with Lucifer. This is the Christian book to read if you want to know about spirits as a beginner or to increase your fundamental knowledge about them as a spiritual expert. It can also help every human to determine the spiritual family they belong and how to switch side safely. Every human is being ruled by one or more spirits, know who the spirits are!
>> How the Almighty God created Jesus Christ and Angels as Spirits but Humans as Souls.
>> You can communicate with the spirits.
>> Humans are Souls-in-flesh; they cannot see or communicate with the spirits except through enhancement.
>> The process of enhancement of soul-in-flesh is spiritual.
>> Because people still die everyday is one of the biggest proof!
>> We are descendants of Adam or Noah?
>> As humans continue to go after spirits and spiritual practices for numerous reasons, there is need to understand the spiritual realm better.
>> Humans must take a side! The Cherubs, Seraphs, Elders and Others in Heaven
>> Then, the need to create humans arose.
>> Gog and magog, which are vessels carrying demons ...
>> What happened to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is what I refer to as transfiguration.
>> Lucifer said to Malphas "join me to cease government ..."
>> Then, war broke out in Heaven.
>> The killer death and hell are actually spirits.
>> The one spiritual family broke.
>> God saw their unity, faith and determination and He moved to stop them.
>> Many spirits invocation sites in Africa for more proofs.
>> God did not establish any religion.
>> Lucifer was determine to either kill Yahweh or chain Him into exile because there cannot be two Gods on a single Throne.
>> Shall Lucifer get the Throne and appoint his loyalists into positions or shall Yahweh remain God forever?
>> It was one big family in the beginning
When a child is growing, she sees her parents do all kinds of things and she doesn't know why. She is ignorant of many things. The same way spiritually ignorant people see religious [or spiritual] people and idol Worshipers do all manner of rituals and image carving, but they don't know why. Some of them thinks that it is safer to stay away from the spirits and believe in none like the Atheists. That you choose not to believe does not mean that all that is written in the Scriptures shall not come to pass.
That a child does not know or choose not to believe that electric current kills does not mean that a powered electric transformer will spare his life. Whether you believe it or not, Spirits are for real; there's ongoing war between the spirits; and side- taking by humans is ongoing as well, consciously and unconsciously.
Your ignorance cannot stop spiritual people around you from stealing your luck or dodging an arrow over to you. The knowledge in this book can be an eye-opener to help you approach the world informed and stronger.
Since my encounter with the Spirit, I have continued to learn more about spirits' world and I would like to share a few of these things with you in this book. I must mention that this book take almost all references from the Holy Scriptures. I also attempt to create a balance in communication in this book assuming that I am writing to believers and non-believers at the same time.
I recommend a practical way to make contact with the Supreme Spirit who may decide to visit in the dream or daytime vision. I do not mean to attack anyone or any faith, I only state the Scriptures' position about things.